WGBH is public service media for New England - on TV, radio, the Web, and out in the community. They are the single largest producer of PBS prime-time and online programming, and a major source of programs heard on public radio from coast to coast. They are also a pioneer in educational multimedia and in media access technologies for people with hearing or vision loss.

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  1. With funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the WGBH Media Library and Archives (MLA) is currently investigating the use of our archives by scholars and researchers. We are investigating the ways scholars find, access, and make use of media in their scholarship. To that end, we are serving WGBH archival content targeted towards the research needs of three scholars. They are using the site and providing us with formal and informal feedback. We will be revising the site based on that feedback in the Spring of 2009.

    The source code to our Fedora-backed prototype is under an MIT-style open source license, and is available from our bVault media repository project page. We are also using the following open source packages:"

    • Fedora
    • Zend Framework
    • jQuery
    • Apache Solr

    In addition, we make use of the following metadata schemas:

    • PBCore
    • TEI

    Our project description was written up in the September issue of HatCheck.

    For more information about this project, you may contact courtney_michael at wgbh dot org.

    ===The WGBH Media Library and Archives===

    For over 25 years WGBH Media Library and Archives (MLA) has preserved, catalogued, and provided access to materials produced by WGBH. It currently houses more than 10,000 boxes of material, more than 500,000 items, and more than 50,000 audio, video, and film masters. Our workflow databases are now available publicly under a Creative Commons license.

    The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation recently funded a report on the assessment of the WGBH Media Library and Archives for scholarly use. Please see The WGBH Media Library and Archives Assessment for Scholarly Use for further information. We welcome your comments on this research. Please share your thoughts on our assessment here.

    The MLA establishes policies and procedures for the access, acquisition, intellectual control, and preservation of WGBH's physical media, digital production, and administrative assets. Please see our access policies for further information.