Use the markup shown in the examples below to format the text in your pages.

Table of Contents

Confluence Formatting Resources

For more ideas and approaches see the Confluence documentation:

Basic Formatting


What you need to type

What you will get

Bold / Strong



Italics / Emphasis



Inline Citation



Deleted / Strikethrough








word superscript



word subscript

Inline Code

inline monospaced code

inline monospaced code

Colored Text

{color:red}look ma, red text!{color}

look ma, red text!

Code Sections

{code}sections of formated text{code}

sections of formated text

Block Quote

{quote}here is quoteble
content to be quoted{quote}

here is quoteble
content to be quoted


What you need to type

What you will get

h1. Biggest heading

Biggest heading

h2. Bigger heading

Bigger heading

h3. Big heading

Big heading

h4. Normal heading

Normal heading

h5. Small heading

Small heading

h6. Smallest heading

Smallest heading


What you need to type

What you will get

Bulleted List:
* Item 1
** Item 1.1
** Item 1.2
* Item 2

Bulleted List:

  • Item 1
    • Item 1.1
    • Item 1.2
  • Item 2

Numbered List:
# Item 1
## Item 1.1
## Item 1.2
# Item 2

Numbered List:

  1. Item 1
    1. Item 1.1
    2. Item 1.2
  2. Item 2

Numbered & Bulleted List:
# Item 1
#* Item 1.1
#* Item 1.2
# Item 2

Numbered & Bulleted List:

  1. Item 1
    • Item 1.1
    • Item 1.2
  2. Item 2

Table of Contents

For the DSpace Wiki, we tend to use two main types of Table of Contents:

For more information on formatting a Table of Contents, see the Confluence toc Macro instructions

Redirect Pages

"Redirect Pages" are pages whose sole purpose is to redirect the user to a different location in Confluence. For the DSpace Wiki,
we use "Redirect Pages" to retain the location of the "Current Release Notes" at CurrentRelease. So, that CurrentRelease page will always redirect you to the Release Notes for the latest version of DSpace Software.

To create a Redirect page, insert the following as the only content in the page:


If you ever need to edit an existing Redirect page, just add ?redirect=false on the end of the URL. For, example, use the following URL to edit the CurrentRelease Redirect Page: CurrentRelease?redirect=false

For more information on Redirect Pages, see the Confluence redirect Macro Instructions