We, at DSpace, want to take a moment and personally thank you for your continued and generous support of our program and community. It is because of the support of our member institutions that open technologies, like us, can continue to provide access to our collective educational, scientific and cultural materials. Your financial support ensures that we can continue delivering the DSpace application to its worldwide user-base and grow and expand the thriving community behind it. As a DSpace Member you have a voice in ensuring that we can serve the global communities that depend on our software to protect and preserve the priceless content contained within their repositories now and into the future.

As you know, DSpace is part of Lyrasis, a technology nonprofit that is home to five open source software communities. By being a part of Lyrasis, DSpace is able to leverage cost savings via shared infrastructure, new staff and expertise with a larger team, and increased investments in development and outreach. 

The  membership invoicing process has started and our Membership team has reached out to confirm your details. Even though your invoice will arrive shortly, all of your 2024-2025 membership benefits will continue through June 30 and the new term will start on July 1, just as always. 

Membership represents DSpace's main source of unrestricted income and provides essential support for our staff and operations. If you would like to have a conversation about your DSpace membership renewal, or have any concerns about continuing your membership, please contact us at membership@lyrasis.org. We're here to help. We look forward to working with you during the upcoming membership year. 

The high-level summary below describes some of the accomplishments made possible by your membership contribution, as well as what you can expect in the coming year. If you missed it, please see our Annual Report for FY 2023  which highlights more exciting things that your membership dollars helped to accomplish. 

DSpace FY 2023/24 Activities Supported by Membership

New features and enhancements on the DSpace platform including:

Supporting the program with staff positions:

Responding to the needs of our community:

Coming for DSpace and Our Community in FY 2024

Many opportunities to connect with fellow DSpace users virtually: