The Enhanced Configuration Scheme will first be released in DSpace 6.0.  This documentation is in the process of being merged/moved over into the official configuration documentation for DSpace 6.

This page describes the enhanced/reloadable configuration feature, based on Apache Commons Configuration, which was added in DSpace 6.

TESTERS NEEDED!  While the basics of this functionality work (see PR above), this change literally changes how every configuration is read by DSpace (as Apache Commons Configuration has its own enhanced Property file syntax, see below for more on that). 

This means it's likely that some specific features (especially optional ones) may need to have their configuration file/settings tweaked. I've done my best to already fix the configurations of out-of-the-box features, but have not yet tested all optional features.



In DSpace 5 or below, DSpace used its own custom Property-based configuration scheme, along with a custom which could tweak the build/compilation process in order to "override" some pre-selected configurations in the dspace.cfg file. While this configuration scheme "worked" at a basic level, it required a lot of custom variable interpolation (i.e. filtering) to occur in both the Maven build process (mvn package) and the Ant install process (ant fresh_install or ant update).  The end result was that configuration files in your DSpace installation directory ([dspace.dir]) contained the correct settings with all variables (${setting}) replaced by the values from your file. So, it was no longer possible to easily tweak certain key settings (like dspace.dir or solr.server) without having to either re-run the entire build process or make corrections to several files at once.

Enter Apache Commons Configuration.

Since DSpace 6, the Enhanced Configuration Scheme feature uses Apache Commons Configuration (version 1.10) as the new configuration scheme for DSpace. This provides several key advantages over our old, custom configuration scheme:

Building / Installing DSpace

With the Enhanced Configuration Scheme, the DSpace build process is slightly changed. The file no longer exists and therefore has no effect on the build process.

Here's the basics of building/installing DSpace:

Unlike the old, the new local.cfg has NO effect on the Maven build process.

It is ONLY used by Ant to determine the location where DSpace should be installed/updated (using dspace.dir), and also to initialize/update the database (using db.* settings).

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of DSpace, you will need to be aware that many configuration names/keys have changed. Because Apache Commons Configuration allows for auto-overriding of configurations, all configuration names/keys in different *.cfg files MUST be uniquely named (otherwise accidental, unintended overriding may occur).

In order to compensate for this, all modules/*.cfg files had their configurations renamed to be prepended with the module name.  As a basic example, all the configuration settings within the modules/oai.cfg configuration now start with "oai.".

Additionally, while the local.cfg may look similar to the old, many of its configurations have slightly different names. So, simply copying your into a local.cfg will NOT work.

This means that DSpace 5.x (or below) configurations are NOT compatible with the Enhanced Configuration Scheme.  While you obviously can use your old configurations as a reference, you will need to start with fresh copy of all configuration files, and reapply any necessary configuration changes (this has always been the recommended procedure). However, as you'll see in the next section, you'll likely want to do that anyways in order to take full advantage of the new local.cfg file.


The [dspace.dir]/config/local.cfg file is the new way to customize your DSpace configuration based on your local needs.

There are a few key things to note about this configuration file:

An example local.cfg is provided at [dspace-source]/local.cfg.EXAMPLE. The example only provides a few key configurations which all DSpace sites are likely to need to customize. However, you may add (or remove) any other configuration to your local.cfg to customize it as you see fit.

Link to local.cfg.EXAMPLE:


Link to config-definition.xml:

The [dspace.dir]/config/config-definition.xml file defines the Apache Commons Configuration settings that DSpace utilizes by default. It is a valid "configuration definition" file as defined by Apache Commons Configuration. See the Configuration File Documentation for more details.

You are welcome to customize the config-definition.xml to customize your local configuration scheme as you see fit.  Any customizations to this file will require restarting your servlet container (e.g. Tomcat).

By default, the DSpace config-definition.xml file defines the following configuration:

As noted above, by default, DSpace will now automatically reload any modified configuration file (local.cfg, dspace.cfg or modules/*.cfg) within one minute.

While the new values are immediately available within the DSpace ConfigurationService, some configurations may still be "cached" within UI-specific code. This often occurs when a UI (or API) loads a configuration value into a static variable, or otherwise implements/provides its own object caching mechanism.

The Enhanced Configuration Scheme codebase does NOT attempt to correct all these instances of caching within UIs or APIs. This would require individual configurations to be tested and any caching mechanisms to be removed.


Can I have different local.cfg files for different environments (e.g. development/testing/staging/production)?

Yes, but you'll need to tweak the default configuration scheme. By default, DSpace does NOT allow you to have multiple local.cfg files (one per environment). However, with some minimal tweaks to your configuration scheme, you likely (untested) could achieve this in one of two ways:

  1. Change your config-definition.xml to use a system property (of your choice) instead of the hardcoded name "local.cfg".  The Configuration Definition file itself does allow for variables to be included, but they must be specified in a previous configuration source (in that config-definition.xml) or via a system property. See the Configuration File Documentation for more details.  So, you could simply change your config-definition.xml to use a "dspace.env" system property, and pass "-Ddspace.env=dev" to have it use a [dspace.dir]/config/dev.cfg:

    <!-- Change local.cfg to be ${dspace.env} in your config-definition.xml -->
    <properties fileName="${dspace.env}.cfg" throwExceptionOnMissing="false" config-name="local" config-optional="true">
    <!-- OPTIONALLY: If you wanted to have some default local configs shared among *all* environments, you could add
         a NEW "properties" file to always load those defaults. In this example, default.cfg would be loaded for ALL 
         environments. Configs in the environment-specific ${dspace.env}.cfg would override default.cfg, and
         both would override dspace.cfg (and other *.cfg). -->
    <properties fileName="default.cfg" throwExceptionOnMissing="false" config-name="default" config-optional="true">
  2. Alternatively, you could use the "include=" option (of Apache Commons Configuration Properties Files) within your local.cfg file to load a different configuration file, again based on a setting specified as a system property. For example, your local.cfg file would ONLY consist of "include=" statement(s), which would load whichever configuration file was specified as the "dspace.env" system property:

    # This is the ENTIRE local.cfg -- all settings would instead be located in environment-specific config files.
    # Its job is just to load up the configuration for the environment specified by "dspace.env"
    # For example, -Ddspace.env=dev would load [dspace.dir]/config/dev.cfg
    #         and  -Ddspace.env=prod would load [dspace.dir]/config/prod.cfg
    # Load the environment-specific file
    include = ${dspace.env}.cfg
    # OPTIONALLY: If you wanted to have some default local configs shared among *all* environments, you could add 
    # a second "include=" statement to always load those defaults from a file of your choice. In this example, 
    # a default.cfg would be loaded for ALL environments. Configs in the environment-specific ${dspace.env}.cfg 
    # would override default.cfg, and both would override dspace.cfg (and other *.cfg).
    include = default.cfg

While the above examples both use a property named ${dspace.env}, you can use whatever property you want. The name itself doesn't matter.  Additionally, both show examples of using a "default.cfg" to specify properties which are shared between several environments. This file can also be named whatever you want. Just tweak the name(s) in the examples above to meet your local needs.

The option you choose above would likely depend on your own local practices/needs. Either of these options should work, provided that you place your environment-specific configuration files within the [dspace.dir]/config directory alongside the local.cfg file.

Advanced Topics

Configuration Interpolation

This is less important to normal users of DSpace, but may be of high interest to developers and some system administrators.

Configuration variables determined at runtime

It's important to be aware of the fact that variables within the following types of configurations are now AUTOMATICALLY interpolated at runtime using Apache Commons Configuration (and our ConfigurationService). This means that variables (${setting}) are no longer filtered by Maven or Ant for any of the following configuration types. In other words, variables are perfectly OK in these configuration files in your DSpace installation directory (i.e. [dspace]).

Configuration variables filtered during installation (prior to runtime)

There are a few configuration file(s) which still require their variables/settings to be filtered/interpolated during installation. The following configuration files are still filtered during the Installation/Update process (ant fresh_install or ant update), and cannot be determined at runtime.  In other words, variables cannot exist in these configuration files in your DSpace installation directory (i.e. [dspace]).

Java API Changes

ConfigurationManager vs ConfigurationService

In the DSpace 5 Java API, we had two types of Configuration objects: org.dspace.coreConfigurationManager and

While the the ConfigurationManager still exists in the API (and is still called by some areas of the codebase), it is now a "wrapper" object. It simply wraps calls to the configured ConfigurationService.

As before, the default ConfigurationService is the org.dspace.servicemanager.config.DSpaceConfigurationService (in dspace-services).

The DSpaceConfigurationService has been updated/enhanced to utilize Apache Commons Configuration, and to better align its methods with the old ConfigurationManager class.  It also has added a new reloadConfig() method which can be called on demand to automatically reload all configurations.

PluginManager vs PluginService

In DSpace 5, the org.dspace.core.PluginManager class managed all DSpace "plugin" definitions (i.e. plugin.* settings in dspace.cfg). (SIDENOTE: these DSpace "plugin" definitions are simply Java interfaces, which are then mapped to classes which implement that plugin interface).

While this concept still exists (and all plugin configurations are still respected/valid), the PluginManager itself has been entirely replaced by a new org.dspace.core.service.PluginService. This change was necessary in order to "Spring-ify" the PluginManager and make it compatible with the ConfigurationService. In prior releases (5.x and below), the PluginManager was highly dependent on the ConfigurationManager, and as such, did not respect/follow the Spring bean initialization process. In other words, without this major refactor, the PluginManager would attempt to request configurations from the ConfigurationService before the ConfigurationService was fully initialized by Spring.

The default PluginService is a new org.dspace.core.LegacyPluginServiceImpl class, which implements the functionality of the old PluginManager.