Become an AITO member for $X (or a contribution in kind) to support the following efforts:

Outreach and Community Building
[This was identified as highest priority in the survey.]

  1. travel to speak at conferences, training events, eg, FSCI
  2. design and creation of an brochure web site
  3. creation and maintenance of
    • ARKs FAQ
    • wikipedia page
    • slide decks and templates, eg, "Making the case for ARKs in your organization"
    • tutorials and webinars
    • training videos
    • ARK "ads"
  4. organizing conferences and workshops, eg, a second ARK Summit
  5. increasing AITO capacity to do all of the above, less dependent on John

* possible membership benefit: access to core experts

Technical Infrastructure
[This was identified as a second priority, and the activities below tend to favor outreach. Priorities may change over time as adoption increases.]

  1. NAAN registry
  2. ARK standard
  3. post-standard evolution organized under and github
    • community metadata development
    • harvesting to count and understand the global distribution of ARKs
  4. work with strategic partners on grants to fund initial development of harvesting mechanism for counting ARKs
    • next generation N2T resolver, given poorly understood but increasing reliance on by non-CDL (non-EZID) users
    • to develop an ARK management interface similar to EZID 
  • No labels