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Title (Goal)Admin UI - Approval workflows
Primary ActorAdmin
Story (A paragraph or two describing what happens)As an admin, I want to manage approval workflows via the admin UI.


  1. This use case is lacking detail, and I'm unclear whether its already "achieved" by the current software (i.e. you can already manage basic approval workflows from Admin UI via the Collection roles screen), or if it is "implying" enhancements are needed.

    A few questions I'd have:

    • What aspects of "approval workflows" would you like to manage?
    • Could you provide example tasks that an Admin may want to perform on approval workflows from the admin UI?


  2. It was pointed out to me by Maureen that, in the DSpace 2014 Product Plan, this particular use case is flagged as "mostly met" (see the "Item approval workflows" column of the table on that page).

    So, this implies it should be of lower priority, since we seem to have a "good enough" implementation already in place.

    However, for the time being, I'm still flagging this use case as "incomplete" (label:uc-incomplete) simply because we may wish to gather more information from users around whether this is still considered "mostly met", or if there are additional use cases related to approval workflows which we may wish to investigate further.