Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.

Title (Goal)Reviewers can make changes to a submission's bitstreams
Primary ActorAdministrator
Story (A paragraph or two describing what happens)

Reviewers may sometimes need to make changes to the files in an item. Examples are where the submitter has uploaded a MS Word document that the reviewer needs to replace with a PDF version, or where a repository supports multiple bundles (eg a public content bundle and a restricted bundle for administrative evidence files) and the reviewer needs to move files across bundles. It may also be necessary to remove a file (eg a supplementary file that should not be included in the repository).

There may be implications around the rights granted by the submitter to the repository. However, all of these actions (perhaps with the exception of moving files across bundles) are already available to DSpace administrators once the item is live. Currently, reviewers wishing to make changes to the files must first make live the item in a non-ideal state.

1 Comment

  1. This use case was brought up at the workshop about the DSpace review workflow at OR2015.