Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.

Title (Goal)Reviewers of a submission can change metadata that is not included in the submission form
Primary ActorAdministrator
Story (A paragraph or two describing what happens)Currently, the "Edit Metadata" step of the review workflow re-uses the submission form. This means reviewers editing the metadata cannot add / edit metadata values that are not included in the submission form. However, the submission form may have been kept to the bare essentials on purpose to reduce the burden on the submitter. Once the item is live, DSpace administrators are free to make whatever changes they wish to the item's metadata; it is unclear why reviewers (perhaps limited to certain roles) cannot do the same during the workflow. Currently, the item would need to be made live in a non-ideal state first, then edited afterwards.


  1. This use case was brought up at the workshop about the DSpace review workflow at OR2015.

  2. Currently it is possible to flag specific metadata as available only in the workflow (Submission User Interface#SubmissionUserInterface-CompositionofaField). In this way the burden for the submitter is keep low but reviewers are allowed to input more information. Is this enought? what is missing?