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Title (Goal)Admin UI - Run media filters
Primary ActorAdmin
Story (A paragraph or two describing what happens)

Admin wants to run media filters on system, community, collection, or item via Admin UI outside of regular cron task

  • use case: testing, completing a batch load, immediate need


  1. Hey MPW, check out this video, it allows you to run a MediaFilter CurationTask: 

  2. When a collection owner invests significant time submitting new items, it is important to be able to fully interact with the collection (search, thumbnails) without waiting for an overnight process to run.

  3. As an extension to this use case, it seems like some of this could be run automatically (with an option though to re-run from the Admin UI as needed).  So, for example:

    • Automatically run media filters on a newly deposited item (in order to immediately generate thumbnails, extract text for indexing, etc)
    • Provide an option to re-run these media filters on demand (if the thumbnail needs to be regenerated, etc). This latter case is more what is described by this use case.
    1. It would be great to have the media filters run immediately.  I presume that they would need to be queued up to run outside of tomcat in case the original media is exceptionally large or complex to process.