Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.


The process of adding content to DSpace is very "manual data entry" oriented, with numerous opportunities to auto-populate metadata from external sources and systems.

Use Cases / Needs

Planning Phase

  • Based on the above use cases (and others gathered by the team), select a one or two integrations to prototype or build "beta versions" from
    • Determine whether such integrations would be worthwhile to prototype as "modules" as defined by the "Module Framework" project
    • If not, all should minimally be based on the same "interface"
  • Build the prototype(s), determining the model or interface for additional integrations
  • Scope the project, based on which integrations seem to provide the most immediate benefit to DSpace users (worldwide or regionally).  Any integrations that fall outside of the project scope can be detailed as "to-do" and simply logged in JIRA for a future developer to "claim".

Development Phase

to be defined

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