All the DSpace-CRIS Entities can be used as authority for Item’s metadata. The system provides the following ChoiseAuthority plugins


#####  Authority Control Settings  ##### = \ = RPAuthority,\ = ProjectAuthority,\ = OUAuthority,\ = DOAuthority


the following snippet from the default configuration show how to configure the ResearcherPages as authority for the metadata, the Projects as authority for the dc.relation metadata, the OrgUnits as authority for the dc.description.sponsorship and a DynamicObject “Journals” as authority for the dc.relation.ispartof metadata. = RPAuthority = suggest = true

choices.plugin.dc.relation = ProjectAuthority
choices.presentation.dc.relation = suggest
authority.controlled.dc.relation = true

choices.plugin.dc.description.sponsorship = OUAuthority
choices.presentation.dc.description.sponsorship = suggest
authority.controlled.dc.description.sponsorship = true

choices.plugin.dc.relation.ispartof = JOURNALAuthority
choices.presentation.dc.relation.ispartof = suggest
authority.controlled.dc.relation.ispartof = true
cris.DOAuthority.dc_relation_ispartof.filter = resourcetype_filter:"Journals"


It must be noted that the DOAuthority allows to define a SOLR query filter to limit the set of objects available as authority for example to only a specific Dynamic Object type.

resourcetype_filter is a SOLR field that contains the human-readable translation of the resource type (item, researcher, orgunit, etc.) it is configured in the [installDir/config/modules/cris.cfg] file. See the Global Search section for more details.

If you have used the ItemEnhancer to add virtual metadata to the DSpace Item exploring the relationship with CRIS objects for the search and/or the browse system, see “ItemEnhancer: virtual metadata”, you need to define an authority also for that virtual metadata to allow proper indexing of the authority key, variants and label.


## It comes from ItemEnhancer configuration - see cris-metadata.enhancers.xml = OUAuthority = true = false


  • No labels