Release Notes

  • List of all issues included in release
  • In DuraCloud app Beanstalk configuration, an Environment Property named AWS_REGION must be set to the default AWS region value.
  • The updated AWS client is more sensitive to region settings. If even one space is in a region other than the one defined in the MC config, then DuraCloud will not be able to load the UI for that provider. If a storage provider region needs to change, all spaces must first be removed, then the region changed, then new spaces created.
  • In Management Console, ensure that no accounts have storage providers with type "DPN"
  • In bridge config init JSON document: change "dpnEmailAddresses" to "targetStoreEmailAddresses"
  • In bridge database, update state for any in-process snapshot or restore actions
    • Snapshot:
        • UPDATE snapshot.snapshot SET status="REPLICATING_TO_STORAGE" WHERE status="WAITING_FOR_DPN";
    • Restore

        • UPDATE snapshot.restoration SET status="RETRIEVING_FROM_STORAGE" WHERE status="WAITING_FOR_DPN";


        • UPDATE snapshot.restoration SET status="STORAGE_RETRIEVAL_COMPLETE" WHERE status="DPN_TRANSFER_COMPLETE";


Issues discovered in testing

Issues discovered in testing:


(bill) I'm seeing a consistent build failure in the mill in SpaceLogTest.testWriteNoExistingLogsUTF8() which seems to be due to a mis-configuration of my local bash client (on Windows). The test passes with no issues when executed via my IDE. No action to take here, just recording for historical purposes.


(bill) In the dev environment, where all instances are running in us-west-2, the setting of AWS_REGION to us-east-1 in the DuraCloud beanstalk app didn't result in duplicated spaces being created in Virginia. The reason was because there was no region set for the storage provider in the Management Console and the Mill was using an AWS_REGION value (from its file) set to us-west-2.

Changing the storage provider region in the MC didn't resolve the problem because of the s3Client cache, as described here: Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Testing of Completed Issues


Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


Regression Testing

Build Tests

mvn clean install (full build + integration tests) - DuraCloud DB(tick)
mvn clean install (full build + integration tests) - DuraCloud(tick)

mvn clean install (full build + integration tests) - Management Console

mvn clean install (full build + integration tests) - Snapshot(tick)
mvn clean install (full build + integration tests) - Mill(info)

(Follow-up activites: Test and release Snapshot and Mill baselines)

Release Actions - for each baseline (in this order): DB, DuraCloud, MC, Snapshot, Mill

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