


  1. Collect stakeholder feedback on Sprint 1
    1. UMD Stakeholder Feedback on Phase 1
    2. Can we involve stakeholders during the sprint?
  2. What Phase1 requirements must be addressed in Sprint 2?
    1. Previously defined Phase 1 requirements
    2. Additional and restated requirements below
  3. Schedule Sprint 2 planning meeting: Oct 26

Candidate Sprint 2 Requirements

  1. Enforce ACLs on ACL resources with filesystem-based backstop
  2. Add ACL uris to response headers as "Link: <acl-uri>; rel=acl"
  3. Implement acl:Control, acl:Append, and acl:Delete modes
  4. F4 MUST provide a way for external services such as Solr to enforce the authorization rules defined in the repository
  5. Enforce ACLs on binary files
  6. More documentation
  7. Support external ACLs (ACLs not managed by fedora)
  8. Add support for agentClass graphs defined within F4
  9. Add support for agentClass graphs defined external to F4
  10. Verify header-based (delegated) authentication is supported (where headers are used to define the effective agent, independent of any container-based AuthN)
  11. Support for inclusion of other ACLs via acl:include
  12. Fix bug with versioned resources:  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  13. Make webac and audit default configuration in fcrepo-webapp-plus:  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Related Documents


Collect stakeholder feedback on Sprint 1

  1. Suggestion: Include stakeholders during sprint-2 to help work through issues with sprint-1 verification process.
    • This should also result in new integration tests (translations of stakeholders scenarios)
    • Additional curl examples for creation and testing may be helpful

What Phase1 requirements must be addressed in Sprint 2?

  1. https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/FF/Design+-+WebAccessControl+Authorization+Delegate#Design-WebAccessControlAuthorizationDelegate-ProposedRequirements(Phase1)
    • Note re: 3a: Sprint-1 implementation does not confine ACLs to reside in a "preconfigured location", but they can instead exist anywhere within the repository.
      union of DELETE and UPDATE = WRITE

Proposed Sprint-2 Requirements

1. Include in sprint-2: Enforce ACLs...
2. Not high-priority, nice to have: Add ACL...
3. Include in sprint-2: Implement acl:Control...

  • Another meetings/emails required to discuss mode definitions

4. Include in sprint-2: F4 MUST provide...

  • Solr: documentation for existing patterns,
  • Triplestore: investigate approaches and document
    • Nick to lead investigation on protecting triplestores

5. Include in sprint-2: Enforce ACLs on binary files
6. Include in sprint-2: More documentation
7. Not high-priority, nice to have: Support external ACLs...
8. Include in sprint-2: Add support for agentClass graphs defined within F4

  • and document it

9. Not high-priority, nice to have: Add support for agentClass graphs defined external to F4

  • does the resource need to be public or can it be protected?
    • not for this sprint, if implemented at all in this sprint

10. Include in sprint-2: Verify header-based...

  • More discussion needed to clarify possible scenarios

11. NOT in sprint-2: Support for inclusion of other ACLs via acl:include

  • Risk due to vague relationship in spec

12. Include in sprint-2: Fix bug with versioned resources
13. Include in sprint-2: Make webac and audit default configuration in fcrepo-webapp-plus

Developer Sprint-2 Planning Meeting

  1. 11am meeting on 10/26
  • No labels


  1. I apologize for the long delay in my feedback, but I have been trying to get Shibboleth authentication integrated with Tomcat to verify that the header principal provider works as expected.

    I have fcrepo.log.auth set to DEBUG but I cannot see any debug statements mentioning the principals set by HttpHeaderPrincipalProvider. Either the SAML headers are not making it past httpd, or the principal provider is not recognizing them, or there is actually no debug calls for that in the code.

    Anybody can give me a hint on how to verify the SAML headers, possibly without patching the code?


    1. Peter Eichman, you have been working on both WebAC logging and the header principal. Would you be able to help Stefano Cossu out?

  2. Stefano Cossu, unfortunately, there is no logging of the principals found in the existing HttpHeaderPrincipalProvider class, or in the ServletContainerAuthenticationProvider#collectPrincipals method.

    Andrew Woods, I can file a ticket and implement more logging in fcrepo-auth-common. It would certainly help me too, as I am currently also working on authentication integration issues.

    Ticket created: Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

  3. Excellent, Peter Eichman. Thanks a lot.

    Once I get the Shibboleth headers available in Fedora I am planning to open a Wiki page with my step-by-step process so it can hopefully help other implementers.