


  1. Status of current testing
  2. Create graphs and summaries of completed tests

  3. Next steps

    1. Finalize remaining tests?
    2. Investigate other features: versioning? batch-ops?
    3. Make call to community?


  • Status of Current testing
    • Nick will update tests results.  2 month test appears to have failed.   Will run tests again on new equipment.  
    • He will run RDF serialization improvements from Aaron Coburn  on his new hardware. 
    • Yinlin -   100K Items - 230MB files - 20 Mbs per client. Takes about 1 week.  
  • General agreement on the value of  aggregating and summarizing the results of the tests that we have run so far.
  • There is general agreement that it would be good to summarize relative improvements between runs of a given test (graphs in addition to any other details/observations)
    • Factors would be good to include in the summary: 
      • Hardware specifics
      • Total execution time
      • Average response time over the course of the execution
      • Fedora version
      • Database type/specs
      • Client count

  • Colin suggested it might be helpful to have a basic test to establish baseline conditions in the environment to account for variations in network performance characteristics,  disk performance, etc.  
  • The team sees promise in  expending effort to develop an automated system for performance tests that would
    • enable us to perform tests against on a consistent set of hardware  hardware and network resources
    • automatically run the test suite against new  tags /  branches / forked repos? 
    • focus on time-limited tests with known inputs and expected execution time framef.
  • Aaron Coburn would like a test for understanding how memory is affected by specific kinds of serializations (Turtle and N-Triples) of RDF Sources and differing degrees of concurrency.


  • Colin will look into putting together a script for baselining hardware and network characteristics to be factored into each test run.  
  • Nick:  Add the log files to be added to the performance test results on the Test Plan page ( https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/FF/Performance+and+Scalability+Test+Plans ) 
  • Aaron will create a summary of what he would like to see out of a test.
  • Danny: Summarize the existing test data.



  1. enable us to perform tests against on a consistent set of hardware  hardware and network resources

    Oxford has proved willing to provide this in the past, via a dedicated VM cluster.

    1. Indeed, which was very helpful. They have since scaled back such services. Getting sponsorship for this sort of testing infrastructure from another community stakeholder is a great idea.