Title (Goal)Content modeling
Primary ActorDeveloper
AuthorStefano Cossu
Story (A paragraph or two describing what happens)Configuration-based content modeling that allows specifying services and schemata related to specific resource types

I want to be able to CRUD complex resources with a single or a minimal set of requests, without:

  • Performing complex and repetitive tasks on the client side, such as querying an UID minter, transforming resources to generate standard derivatives, extract metadata, etc.
  • Knowing everything about the schema that the resource metadata are stored in
  • Rewriting complex implementation routines for each client connecting to my Fedora repo.

I should specify a "content model" (e.g. an RDF type) for each resource that I CRUD and have predefined metadata schemata for ingestion and retrieval, customizable event hooks related to individual HTTP methods, and validation rules (see related use case)

I want to be able to retrieve some machine-readable documentation for each content type, for individual HTTP methods, e.g. schema information indicating which properties are expected for a specific HTTP method on a specific "content model", data type and cardinality of each property, etc.

Ideally, I would be able to achieve all of the above without using any code, i.e. by wiring content models to services and schemata by means of transparent configuration files.


For a given “myns:Image” content model the service configuration would define the following actions related to distinct HTTP methods:

  • GET:

    • Return a representation of the resource and related resources according to a “default” transform program defined for myns:Image and an output format

    • This may include complex networks involving SPARQL or Solr queries on the indexes

    • The transform program name is indicated in a request parameter; the output format as an "Accept" request header

    • Image metadata are retrieved from a Solr or triplestore index, the image content can come straight from the Fedora repo or a server performing a transformation on the original resource (e.g. IIIF-compatible image server).

  • POST:

    • Create a new UID from an external UID minter service;

    • create a pcdm:Object resource and populate it with metadata provided by a JSON object in the “metadata” POST field;

    • add the new generated UID;

    • assign the resource the “myns:Image” rdf type;

    • create pcdm:Object resource and assign it a “myns:Instance” rdf type;

    • create a “myns:hasOriginalInstance” relationship between the myns:Image and the myns:Instance resources;

    • Create a LDP-NR resource from the “original” bitstream provided by POST

    • Create a “pcdm:hasFile” relationship between the myns:Instance and the LDP-NR

    • Repeat this for other possible binaries provided by the request

    • Optionally wrap the whole operation in a transaction and roll back if a step fails.



  1. Stefano Cossu are the transformations above speaking of transforming the object from one content model to another, or are they speaking to a transformation on some portion of the content itself (like transforming some metadata from one form to another)?

    1. The latter: transforming the full representation of a resource that comes out of Fedora into a filtered, sorted representation that is suitable for a specific use.

      If you involve content negotiation, you can also have the same representation in different data formats.

      If you want to get fancy, you could also think about access-controlled output, e.g. certain users only get a certain subset of the data.

      1. However, you raise a very good question: what if a user wants to change the content model? Personally, I would not want to allow that because it has so many implications.

        In any case, we should discuss how to handle this.

        1. I agree, I just wanted to make sure I understood what you meant!  I think then, in many ways, your use case is similar to the JHU "Retrieve domain objects" use case.  I envision the "retrieve domain objects" use case as a transformation on Fedora's representation of the resource.