
  • VIVO version 1.5.1 was released on October 15th! (no data migration involved in going from 1.5 to 1.5.1)
  • Updates, issues, questions from implementation sites
  • CTSAconnect ontology activity update
  • CASRAI conference report

Issues to discuss

  • Ying Ding from Indianna University would like to point out Fast (faceted catalog for LCSH) from OCLC: http://experimental.worldcat.org/fast/ and wonders if it has application in modeling expertise of people
  • On the Oct 4th dev call there was discussion of an application customization to link directly to full text of a publication and Nicholas Rejack (UFL) mentioned he thinks an ontology extension (subclass of URLLink) would be a good way to support this.
  • VIVOONT-459 Additional Academic Degrees needed for Duke VIVO
  • VIVOONT-456 Display labels for classes and properties have odd capitalization (we'll move this to the NIHVIVO project)
  • VIVOONT-451 adding ReferenceWork or EncyclopediaEntry
  • VIVOONT-453 make Hospital a subclass of Clinical Organization
  • VIVOONT-452 adding more specific types of grants – can we get any guidance from CASRAI, other ontologies, research.gov, grants.gov, or NIH RePORTER?
  • VIVOONT-458 From Memorial University of Newfoundland. Representing university and community partnerships, and research opportunities.

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