
Call Details

Call-in details:  2015-05-05, 2PM CT, Skype



Reviewing the responses gathered from listserv and emails

15 minAll

Best ways to proceed 

20 minAll

Work on a same existing page and come up with improvements

5 minAll

Other items

5 minAll



  1. Reviewing the responses gathered from listserv and emails: Most of the raised questions already exist in the documentation one way or another but it is difficult to find. Examples of non existing information can be found - good example is "how to export all the triples from my VIVO to an NT file or a N3 file"
  2. Best ways to proceed: Do we want to have a style guide for all pages (ex:wikipedia) and language that is more casual and conversational? 
  3. Work on a same existing page and come up with improvements: members agreed that it will be best if we all work on one same page and come up with our own way to improve it. At the next meeting we will compare the pages and discuss future steps.
  4. Other items

Action Items from this meeting

  •  Everyone works on VIVO wiki page: VIVO Data - what and from where to come up with the most user friendly language and good content that is understandable by a newcomer.