
Call-in Information

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

To join the online meeting:


Development Process


(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Mike Conlon (star)

  2. Alex Viggio 
  3. Huda Khan
  4. Jim Blake 
  5. Tim Worrall 
  6. Benjamin Gross 
  7. Brian Lowe 
  8. Steven McCauley 
  9. Kitio Fofack


  1. Advanced Role Management 3-day fiesta!

    1. Oct 24th - 26th, come join the fun
    2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  2. Linked Data Fragment server issues
    1. Perhaps doesn't work with TDB
    2. Open access by default okay?
  3. Done?

    1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.  - Application RDF Files
  4. In-Review

    type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

    Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

  5. 1.10 

    1. bugs (1.10.1?)

      type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

      Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

    2. Plans for a 1.10.1 patch release

  6. In Limbo
    1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  7. Recent mailing list topics:
    1. display dataGetters, weird behaviour with vivo:Award
    2. Update from Ontology group? - Add Handle Support in VIVO?


Draft notes in Google-Doc

  1. Andrew on vacation.  Huda subbing. Review agenda.

  2. Advanced Role Management Fiesta -- Wednesday-Friday.  Andrew, Jim, Mike, Graham (?) Review, document, merge?  Party crashers welcome.

  3. appears to be done.  Documentation issues can be closed after one review.  The one review does not need to be a committer.

  4. Looks like TPF might not work with TDB.  This came up during camp. If it can be confirmed.  Switching between the two is easy -- just change lines in applicationSetup.n3  If confirmed, we can open an issue

  5. In review:

    1. Previously we have menus displayed in a manner similar to profiles with various workarounds.  Before, it did not require RDFService, now it does, and it broke. Brian reviewed positively. Left over from 2012.  No brainer to merge after a second review. Huda will comment.

    2.  Ralph reviewed, need one more.

    3. ElasticSearch smoke test.  Two pull requests. No reviews.  Perhaps Don could review.

    4. No Github issue.  Needs review of approach, then we can determine how to deploy this, perhaps VIVO

    5. Well architected -- can be added or not.  Question is about the third triple store, and writing to files.  Can log data be accessed while the app is running.

    6. is the topic of the Advanced Role Management Fiesta.

    7. externalized Solr.  Boosts are no longer supported by Solr 7.  App behavior may change. What kind of relevance do we want, and how do we get it.  Existing boost references should be removed as they will no longer work. Boosting is done through the interface layer and can be organized in a single place.  Function queries might work. Changes are going to a sprint branch. Will go to develop after we understand the change.

  6. Bugs

    1. New.  TPF does not work with TDB.

    2. VIVO-1613 discussed above

    3. Advisee form can throw exception.  Blank Sentinel? We might find it is superfluous.

    4. Build number in review.  Graham raised some points.  Appears to be a difference between artifacts and building from code. Perhaps should have multiple values.  May need more discussion.

    5. Misleading template exception when Solr is misconfigured.  Require app restart? How should this behave with external Solr?

    6. VIVO-1528 Needs review.  Would turn off HTML editing on all text fields except those explicitly changed in the ontology to indicate it was HTML (such as the overview)

  7. Data getter issue -- Mike will reply.  Looks like a problem with the SPARQL.

  8. Handle support -- Ontology group has a proposal regarding identifiers. See

  9. New issue -- documenting what files are needed to make a template work?

  10. Class override discussion is needed now that we are using Maven behavior has changed from ant.



Previous Actions

  • Benjamin Gross to create new Jira issue for documenting required Theme files (inspired by:  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration. )
  • Mike Conlon and Brian Lowe to review:  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  • Don Elsborg - add jira tickets for abox/tbox use cases - one ticket for each use case
  • Brian Lowe  - check with ontology group on handles
  • Alex Viggio will bring news of Elasticsearch instead of Solr up with Product Evolution.  Might there be consequences for the September sprint.
  • Benjamin Gross to create new Jira issue for additional errors thrown startup.

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