As a step towards modularizing and streamlining the deployment of the VIVO application, an initial set of components have been identified as appropriate to deploy in their own, separate Docker containers. 

  • Search index (Solr and/or ElasticSearch)
  • SDB database (MySQL)
  • The rest (core VIVO application)

The objective is to have a single Docker-Compose file that coordinates the deployment of the components above.


  1. Core VIVO must be deployable as a Docker container
  2. VIVO's configuration files must be configurable at deploy-time (, applicationSetup.n3)
  3. VIVO's Solr must be deployable as a Docker container
  4. VIVO's ElasticSearch must be deployable as a Docker container
  5. VIVO's MySQL must be deployable as a Docker container
  6. VIVO's Docker container must be able to use the Dockerized Solr
  7. VIVO's Docker container must be able to use the Dockerized ElasticSearch
  8. VIVO's Docker container must be able to use SDB with the Dockerized MySQL
  9. Deployment of the VIVO components must be possible with a single command

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