R is a good tool for processing VIVO pages, crawling RDF and creating data and visualizations from VIVO data. To use R to access VIVO pages and data, you will need three things

  1. R
  2. The XML package for R
  3. The statnet package for R


    R is easy to get. Visit the Downloads page at http://r-project.org. Download and installation on a Windows machines takes a couple of minutes.

    The XML Package for R

    Once R is installed, you can get and install the XML Package for R by executing two commands from the R command line.

install.packages("XML", repos = "http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/RWin")

The library command will be needed each time you start R. You can put this command in your .First function.

statnet for R

The statnet package provides network data structures, network analysis and visualization for networks. The network() object is particularly useful for representing connected collections of data from VIVO. A powerful and flexible plot() method for the network object displays networks.

To install the statnet package, execute the following two R commands:


The library command will be needed each time you start R. You can put this command in your .First function.

Sample R functions for VIVO

Sample R functions for VIVO will be available in the VIVO SourceForge code repository. See other pages in this R category for examples and sample code.
Mike Conlon 21:19, 15 April 2011 (UTC)