Deprecated. This material represents early efforts and may be of interest to historians. It doe not describe current VIVO efforts.

These instructions are for how to backup your VIVO installation, and what to backup.

There are three or four components that you will want to backup

  1. The VIVO home directory.
    1. This holds the Solr search index. The search index is not vital to a backup, since it can be rebuilt. However, rebuilding the index is time-consuming
    2. Also holds any uploaded image files, and any customized RDF files.
    3. Holds your file.
  2. The VIVO relational database.
    1. This holds all of your instance data (people, organizations, etc), as well as any customizations that you entered through the GUI.
  3. The VIVO RDF store.
    1. In most cases, the VIVO RDF store is held in the VIVO relational database (above), but at some sites it might be in a separate triple-store.
  4. The VIVO installation directory.
    1. If you have customized the templates or the Java code, you will want to preserve those changes.
    2. At a minimum, this directory contains your file.

Prior to release 1.6:

  • RDF files were not stored in the VIVO home directory
  • The and files were a single file, called in the VIVO installation directory.

Step-by-step guide