Use Case 1.1 - Common Changes for ALL pages

ItemOverall ProgressPriorityDeveloperDescriptionDependenciesComments
  Lynette R. (Cornell)Clone of CUL discovery & access website.
  • External: Determine where to push code that is specific to Cornell.
Current work is a proof of concept (POC).  It will not be added to the live discovery & access website.  POC will be done in a cloned copy of discovery & access as a demonstration that will allow planning groups to understand the concepts and determine the best way to integrate with the live discovery & access system should the POC be deemed valuable.
Infrastructure – NONE
Model – NONE
User Interface

 Lynette R. (Cornell)Add link to My Virtual Collections in banner beside My Account.
  • UI: My Virtual Collections page exists.  (Requirements | Mockup)
  • External: Clone of CUL discovery & access website.
Link is in prototype.  Requires design approval from D&A search UI team.  May need to only show up for logged in library staff.
  • No labels