Example story: As a researcher, I'd like to see the geographic context of my search results, and be able to pivot, extend or refine a search with a single click, in order to better assess found resources, find related resources, and filter or expand search results to broaden or narrow a search on the fly.

Out of scope: n/a

Potential Demonstrations

A. <place> searches can be done w/ spatial search (Metacarta, now owned by Nokia may have a patent in this space).

B. Search results with spatial data can be shown on a map with points. (works about this place, published in this place, by authors born in this place)

C. Search result relevance is boosted based on location of closest available item. (See BIBFRAME results) 

Data Sources

Ontology Requirements

  • Inclusion of geographic data

Engineering Work

  • .. needs refinement ...


  • Place names? Pablo has done experiments and is getting about 75% hit rates in recognition of geographic names in DBpedia (1:1 mappings). Darren suggests that we need highly relevant, disambiguated results for users to be able to attend to them
  • linking via place to further information -- e.g., people, but heavily weighted to people in the public eye (some with VIAF entries). Multi-step inclusion shows the value of linked data but belongs in the next cluster as leveraging the linked data graph
  • Other demonstrations to leverage other authorities (e.g., Getty https://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocabularies/tgn/index.html)? Because a lot of people use the Getty it becomes a way to link to other things

Who will do what?


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