This week, I:

  • Concentrated almost exclusively on Akubra (see below)
  • Did some tweaks on our custom "Reviewer" workflow in our Jira installation
  • Set up nightly postgres snapshots on the production box since we're now in production with Confluence and Jira
  • Copied Eddie's test "Developer's Blog" wiki page and added an Atom feed.  This now lives in, and is linked from the Developer's Forum space in Jira.  We're now each doing weekly updates as News items in our personal space, which then get aggregated to this page.

Akubra progress

  • Got initial File System (org.fedoracommons.akubra.fs) implementation done
  • Gave an update on Akubra at the weekly architecture meeting on Tuesday
  • Had some good discussions on the Akubra Developer's Mailing List.
  • Learned about the API behind the Storage Resource Manager (SRM), which is used by the Large Hadron
    Collider Computing Grid (LCG).

I also had an initial exchange with Richard Rodgers regarding DSpace-Fedora Commons collaboration on low-level storage. Richard has been working on Pluggable Stores for DSpace 2.0, and from the look of it, we have a lot of the same sensibilities about this layer being thin and free of higher-level OAIS semantics. I'm looking forward to more discussions to come.

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