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  1. 2016-04-14 - Fedora Tech Meeting

    bnodes is the best approach Soroka: Does this involve changing fcrepo itself to support this? Haye: When a bnode created, fcrepo generates an ID, rendering it impossible to structure these as an RDF list within JSON-LD... Soroka: So fcrepo should be trying to reproduce bnodes rather than skolemizing them
    Fedora RepositoryApr 14, 2016
  2. 2015-04-30 - Fedora Tech Meeting Audit sprint summary Outstanding tasks Blank node issue (updating existing bnodes) Next maintenance … integration tests generating event ids request for handling event ids in rest api (synchronous even service) 3. Blank node issue (updating existing bnodes) We
    Fedora RepositoryApr 30, 2015
  3. 2015-04-23 - Fedora Tech Meeting

    Coyne: Skoleminization of blank nodes is a feature we rely on and if true bnodes are created a lot will have to be changed in our workflow. Andrew Woods: Skoleminization is happening, but nodes are not published as first-class resources. A. Soroka: You can update properties on bnodes. Nodes are always skoleminzed, we
    Fedora RepositoryApr 23, 2015
  4. Re: Design - Import - Export

    indexed into a triplestore. I have just found that RDF lists with skolemized ids where bnodes should be cannot be connverted into JSON-LD lists … it is not a bnode.  So, maintaining bnodes in FCREPO RDF serialization seems to be important for JSON-LD's understanding of how a RDF collection should exist.   Please
  5. Re: Design - Import - Export

    a "bnode generator" in a transform configuration.  The bnode generator could maybe extract/transform the genid to ensure some consistency with the skolem node … with concrete nodes, but because a list of constructed with bnodes is JSON-LD's (justifiable?) current expectation.  I should also add that their normalization
  6. Re: Design - Import - Export

    I agree that bnodes should not be implemented directly in an LDP repository and representing them as skolem URIs is correct. In the RDF 1.1 spec on "Replacing … to their origin as blank nodes.  Making an (import restricted) bnode reference "list type" skolem could then be useful when indexing collections to a triplestore
  7. Re: 2014-10-02 - Fedora Committer Meeting

    Regarding BNodes: I tested inserting the following RDF in a node (e.g.  http://localhost:8180/fcrepo/rest/z) DELETE { } INSERT {<> aic:customRel [ aic:name "Custom BNode property" ; aic:author "scossu" ] } WHERE { }   And I find this new property in the node:  <
  8. 2015-05-07 - Fedora Tech Meeting Blank node issue (updating existing bnodes) vs. autocreated IDs Next week's call ... Minutes Current Priorities There doesn't
    Fedora RepositoryMay 07, 2015
  9. Re: 2014-10-09 - Fedora Committer Meeting

    Basically my problem is that I don't know how to relate the BNode to the original triple it was constructed in. 
  10. Re: Design - Import - Export

    We have been trying to summarize the state of Fedora's relationship with bnodes, but so far have only gotten as far as: Common metadata design patterns