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  • (15 mins) Developer Stand Up - Developers give brief updates on their effort (or their team's effort).

    • Update/see "Current Work" section below based on your status. Please feel free to update prior to meeting.
    • Please highlight any new work (needing reviews/testing), any blockers (for you), and any discussion topics you may have.
  • (30 mins) General Discussion Topics
    1. Edit Homepage News: (Delayed for next week)
      1. Reporting back on implementation suggestions/ideas.  Do we implement as metadata on the Site object (similar to Community/Collection news sections)?
    2. Concurrency in DSpace 7 (or 8).  What do we want to do when multiple editors are editing the same object?
      1. REST Contract notes on ETags:  (ETags only update of the two fields match. If someone edits first, your edit would fail and you would get a fail response)
        1. Most used way in other REST APIs.  Recommendation by Art and Andrea.
      2. REST PATCH method also defines a "test" operation: , however we do not yet support it in the REST API  (Similar idea, expect a particular value – if the values doesn't match, get a fail response)
    3. What do we want to call the Spring Boot Webapp (now that all webapps are merged into one, see PR#2265)?
      1. Some examples: "dspace-web-services", "dspace-server" (Tim +1, Paulo +1, ab +1), "dspace-backend", "dspace-web-api"
      2. The name of this webapp will also require changes to configuration names.  For example "dspace.url" would need to be renamed similarly (e.g. "dspace.webservices.url" or similar)
    4. Search as you type capability for discovery.
      1. Already similar feature in the Collection selection in the Submission UI
      2. Suggestion is to have an REST endpoint for this feature.
    5. Workflow & MyDSpace PRs discussion (PR#2312)
    6. Browse by Date / Starts With PR (PR#364 on Angular)
    7. (add a discussion topic)
  • (15 mins) Planning for next week
    • Daylight Savings Time begins in USA on March 10 (Europe begins March 31).  
      • Do we keep this meeting at 15:00UTC or move it to 14:00UTC? Keep at 15UTC until end of March
    • Assigning PRs for Review
    • Next tasks from Development Planning Spreadsheet


  1. (warning) (REST Contract) Group and eperson management: (Waiting on updates from Ben Bosman )
  2. (REST) Metadata PATCH support: (ensure alignment with merged Contract PR#46) (Paulo Graça - approved, Tim Donohue )
  3. (attenzione) (REST) Workflow Endpoint: (Tim Donohue , Ben Bosman Re-reviewed and additional feedback added., All change requests implemented - answers provided also for latest feedbacks) 
  4. (REST) EPerson profile PATCH functionality : (UNBLOCKED - was previously blocked by REST Contract PR#49 approval.  Ready for review(Andrea Bollini (4Science) , Tim Donohue )
  5. (REST) Fix bug where CORS Headers missing when Exception thrown: (READY FOR REVIEW.  PR was stalled, but recently updatedPaulo Graça , Tim Donohue )
  6. (Angular) Submission implementation:  (Art Lowel (Atmire) , Paulo Graça - reviewed, Tim Donohue  all received suggestion applied, ready to be merged after approval)
  7. (attenzione) (Angular) Browse by date and Starts-With component: (Paulo Graça - approved, Tim Donohue - minor changes requested. Behavior questions added to PR)
  8. (Angular) Transfer to .po message format - Initial PR: (READY FOR REVIEWPaulo Graça , Tim Donohue , Art Lowel (Atmire) )
    1. Even though not all keys are present yet, please provide feedback if this can be merged so we can stop new keys being added to the json format.
  9. (Angular) Context sensitive admin menus (Art Lowel (Atmire) ) (READY FOR REVIEWPaulo Graça , Tim Donohue )
  10. (Backend) One Webapp Backend - Initial PR: (READY FOR REVIEWBen Bosman , Mark H. Wood )
  11. (Backend) Upgrading Solr Server for DSpace - Initial PR: (Terrence W Brady , Kim Shepherd , Art Lowel (Atmire))
    1. Might have an impact on MyDSpace PR (See "In Progress" section)?
