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titleOctober 2019 update

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Table of Contents:

Table of Contents


titleDSpace 7.0 Estimated Release Schedule

DSpace 7.0 is under active development. The next major milestone is:

  • Beta release. The beta release will be feature-complete and provide an opportunity for more extensive testing and finalisation.

If you or your institution would like to contribute to and accelerate this release process, we welcome contributors to the DSpace 7 Working Group. We also welcome developers to simply help us review & test new features/improvements (pull requests) as they are developed. Contributing testing and/or code reviews can help us speed up the development feedback loop & get features into the release more quickly. Get in touch with Tim Donohue if you'd like to contribute!

Table of Contents:

Table of Contents


AchievementMore details

(tick)  Community competition for different UI prototypes

DSpace UI Prototype Challenge
(tick)  Formal selection of Angular as new front end framework
(tick)  XMLUI and JSPUI removed from dspace "master" branch on Github

(tick)  Single built-in Statistical Engine (SOLR Statistics), upgraded to v7 and moved to separate webapp
(tick)  Conclusion of DSpace Entities Working group and formal decision to support rich entities in DSpace
(tick) Adoption of Configurable Workflow as the standard, and only workflow system of DSpace 7Configurable Workflow
(tick)  Adoption of a HAL, HATEOAS, ALPS standards based REST API to maximize exposure of all DSpace features for integration purposes
(tick)  Preview release, including Entity demonstrator and associated data setDSpace 7 Preview Release
(tick)  Docker installation and deployment proceduresRunning DSpace 7 with Docker
Feature-complete beta release

7.0 release


The switch to this new technology will allow more rapid innovation. It also has the potential to attract developers who with prior expertise, as the community is no longer on older technologies of which the popularity was in decline.

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DSpace 7 admin menu

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DSpace 7 search results display

What will be included in DSpace 7?
