Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Name and description

Value and notes

Base URI:



Returns a list of all communities on the system or return just top level communities.

HTTP method:


Optional parameters:


Sorting fields supported:

id, name, countitems: sorting by id, community name and item count

Response formats:

json, xml

Status codes

{{200: OK
204: no content
400: bad request
500: internal server error}}

Response details


Name and description

Value and notes

Base URI:



Returns a list of all parent communities of the id community.

HTTP method:


Optional parameters:


Sorting fields supported:

id, name, countitems: sorting by id, community name and item count

Response formats:

json, xml

Status codes

{{200: OK
204: no content
400: bad request
500: internal server error}}

Response details


Name and description

Value and notes

Base URI:



Returns a list of immediate sub-communities (children) of the id community.

HTTP method:


Optional parameters:


Sorting fields supported:

id, name, countitems: sorting by id, community name and item count

Response formats:

json, xml

Status codes

{{200: OK
204: no content
400: bad request
500: internal server error}}

Response details


Name and description

Value and notes

Base URI:



Returns a list of collections in the id community

HTTP method:


Optional parameters:


Sorting fields supported:

id, name, countitems: sorting by id, collection name and item count

Response formats:

json, xml

Status codes

{{200: OK
204: no content
400: bad request
500: internal server error}}

Response details


Name and description

Value and notes

Base URI:



Returns a list of recent submissions to a community

HTTP method:


Optional parameters:


Sorting fields supported:

id, name, lastmodified, submitter: sorting by id, name(title), last modified date and submitter(name) of item

Response formats:

json, xml

Status codes

{{200: OK
204: no content
400: bad request
500: internal server error}}

Response details


Name and description

Value and notes

Base URI:



Returns a list of all collections in the system

HTTP method:


Optional parameters:


Sorting fields supported:

id, name, countitems: sorting by id, collection name and item count

Response formats:

json, xml

Status codes

{{200: OK
204: no content
400: bad request
500: internal server error}}

Response details


Name and description

Value and notes

Base URI:



Returns a list of all communities a collection with id belongs to

HTTP method:


Optional parameters:


Sorting fields supported:

id, name, countitems: sorting by id, community name and item count

Response formats:

json, xml

Status codes

{{200: OK
204: no content
400: bad request
500: internal server error}}

Response details


Name and description

Value and notes

Base URI:



Returns a list of all items from the collection id

HTTP method:


Optional parameters:


Sorting fields supported:

id, name, lastmodified, submitter: sorting by id, name, lastmodified date and submitter of item

Response formats:

json, xml

Status codes

{{200: OK
204: no content
400: bad request
500: internal server error}}

Response details


Content searching


Name and description

Value and notes

Base URI:



Returns a list of all objects found by searching criteria

HTTP method:


Optional parameters:


Sorting fields supported:

id, name, lastmodified, submitter: sorting by id, name, last modifed date or submitter of item

Sorting/ordering modifiers:

title, issueDate, author, subject, submitter

Response formats:

json, xml

Status codes

{{200: OK
204: no content
400: bad request
500: internal server error}}

Response details


Name and description

Value and notes

Base URI:



Returns a list of all objects that have been created, modified or withdrawn within specified time range

HTTP method:


Optional parameters:


Sorting/ordering modifiers:

id, name, lastmodified, submitter: information on item returned

Response formats:

json, xml

Status codes

{{200: OK
204: no content
400: bad request
500: internal server error}}

Response details


Item status/info and retrieval


We have something more like



Rather than: /communities/{id}/children?idOnly=false&immediateOnly=tru

We have



I think we need to make sure the REST interfaces clearly map to 2.0 Services and the actions that can be performed on them. So harvest, stats and users make sense to me. But, Community, Collection, Item and Bitstream do not and we should be consolidating these under some service path like "content/" or "resource/" or the like.


Creates a new relationship in the object. Adds the specified relationship to the object's RELS-EXT datastream. If the Resource Index is enabled, the relationship will be added to the Resource Index.

The DSpace + 2.0 proposed mapping to Fedora places RDF references for ds:hasCollection/ds:isPartOfCollection, ds:hasCommunity/ds:isPartOfCommunity directly into the RELS-EXT as relationships between Fedora representations of DSpace objects.

URL Syntax


/objects/\{pid\} ? [relationship] [object] [isLiteral] [datatype]


  • pid: The PID of the object.
  • relationship: The predicate.
  • object: The object.
  • isLiteral: A boolean value indicating whether the object is a literal.
  • datatype: The datatype of the literal. Optional.


(a) Creates either a new Top Level Community, SubCommunity, Collection, Item, Bundle or Bitstream as defined in the DSpace Data Model, the context of which is the current {pid} entity

Wiki Markup
Get next pid, /objects/nextPID ? \[type\]

Code Block


 /objects/\{bitstreamPid\} ? ... see [ addDatastream]

(b) Creates metadata properties attached to any of the above DSpace Objects.


/objects/{pid} ? relationship="My Title"&isLiteral=true


URL Syntax


/objects/{pid}/datastreams/{dsID} ? [controlGroup] [dsLocation] [altIDs] [dsLabel] [versionable] [dsState] [formatURI] [checksumType] [checksum] [logMessage]

--Mark Diggory 15:58, 12 July 2009 (EDT)
