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Created a test application which allows a user to view an object's Dublin Core metadata, FOXML, and datastream list after entering an object's PID. The user can then click on any of the datastreams that are image files and view the image. This application required about a day to create (including technology ramp time) and the completed code (an XML file) is 77 lines, including comments and whitespace.

How rich does the API/toolkit appear to be, are there obvious limitations?

Rich selection of UI components and widgets. REST requests can be made very easily in a single line. SOAP requests are also fairly simple to accomplish. The BlazeDS data service can be set up to allow calls directly to POJOs on the server. The Flex Builder tool integrates with Eclipse and makes development and deployment convenient.

How much documentation/support is available?


Documentation seems very good. Answers to development questions are available through examples and API reference information. Complete reference API similar to javadoc is available. Significant documentation is available from Adobe, and there are several recently published books available on Amazon for developing with Flex.

What language is used for development? How difficult is it to learn and use?

A flavor of XML called MXML is used to lay out and define components while ActionScript is used to handle events and perform more complex behaviors. Didn't have to use ActionScript at all to create the test application, but it appears similar syntax-wise to JavaScript. Learning the tags, attributes, and possible values for MXML takes time but is straight-forward in most cases.

To what extent can the code/work be reused in other interfaces?
