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When the ORCID Authentication is enabled and the autoregister flag is true it is possible for a researcher to claim an existent researcher profile that have an ORICD in DSpace-CRIS just logging in. Indeed, when the user login the system will create an user account using the information from ORCID and if his ORCID match one already assigned to an orphan researcher profile this new account become the owner of the profile. In such way, external collaborators can login in the system and gains limited privileges to improve their profile without any explicit activity by the repository staff.

Creation of a local researcher profile

When the user is logged in via ORCID and proceed to create his local researcher profile the system automatically captures from ORCID several information:


If the researcher grants permission to DSpace-CRIS to update his ORCID profile, this is done during the authentication via ORCID or directly from the ORCID tab in the researcher profile, DSpace-CRIS is able to send these local information to ORCID: ORCID  (below the shortname of the property as in the default configuration):

  • affiliation

  • authorid

  • biography

  • education

  • email

  • fullName

  • country

  • keywords

  • otheremails

  • other-emails

  • personalsite

  • preferredName

  • scopusid

  • variants

the researcher can set his own preferences about the synchronization both about which information needs to be send than how/when this happen (automatically or manually). All the preferences are stored as property in the researcher profile.

To configure which information are sent to ORCID the researcher needs to edit his profile, in the default configuration a tab named ORCID (shortname:"orcid") with a box named ORCID Synchronization settings (shortname:"orcidsyncsettings") is included that allow to 

  • define which publications to send: all, only publications selected, only publications not hidden (see ), none
  • define which projecs projects to send: all, only projects selected, only projects not hidden (see ), none
  • define which biographic information to send:


  • will be send

The synchronization procedures use a convention to discover which preference are available, see Mapping local properties to ORCID below.

The system monitors changes to the researcher profile and linked entities (publications and projects) putting in a queue (the orcid_queue table on the database) the list of objects that it is necessary to synchronize. This is done for the DSpace items via a consumer enabled by default in the dspace.cfg

Code Block
event.dispatcher.default.consumers = versioning, discovery, eperson, harvester, orcidpush, crisorcid, itemauthority, dedup
# orcid push consumer
event.consumer.orcidpush.class =
event.consumer.orcidpush.filters = Item+INSTALL|MODIFY_METADATA|MODIFY

and for the CRIS entites with a model listner enabled via spring

Code Block
<bean id="ORCIDListener" class="">
	<property name="orcidPreferencesUtils" ref="orcidPreferencesUtils" />	

The synchronization can happen automatically via a batch script that need to be configured as a CRON Job  without parameters

Code Block
./dspace dsrun

or triggered manually by the researcher. A custom box ORCID Registry Queue ("orcidsyncqueue") is included in the default configuration to show the queue of object to synchronize and allow manual processing.

Mapping local properties to ORCID



If a researcher set the synchronization mode to "manual" the normal execution of the synchronization script cause to send a reminder email to the researcher with pending synchronization actions (email template: orcid-alerts)

The script can be also used from the command line to force a first push of information to ORCID indipendently by the content of the ORCID queue table

Code Block
./dspace dsrun [-a | -s <crisID>] [-p]

-a process all the researcher

-s process a single researcher, whom with the specified crisID

-p force the script to use POST call to ORCID instead of PUT (put is more efficient but replace all the existent publications, projects, organisations in the ORCID profile created from DSpace-CRIS with the new value. POST will just append the new values). Please note that information input manually by the researcher in his ORCID profile or created in his profile by other system (like crossref, scopus, etc.) cannot be never overridden by DSpace-CRIS

Mapping local properties to ORCID

The shortname of all the ORCID preference flags start with orcid-profile-pref- and end with the shortname of the property that need to be syncronized with ORCID. The label of the preference property must match the name of the target Element in the ORCID XML message in this way you can easily set a custom mapping for your extra or renamed properties.

The default configuration is

Preference shortnameDSpace-CRIS propertyORCID property
orcid-profile-pref-authoridauthoridexternal-identifier-Researcher ID
orcid-profile-pref-scopusidscopusidexternal-identifier-Scopus Author ID

ORCID as a local profile URL


is automatically resolved to the researcher profile that old this specific ORCiD ID. With such functionality it is easy to link existent systems to DSpace-CRIS without that them need to know anything about DSpace-CRIS, its internal database structure and IDs. Also staff number or other identifier can be used in the same way changing the lt parameter (lookup term) to match the shortname of the property holding the external ID


