Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • The JavaDocs pages ( are static pages served by Tomcat and are located at: ~/tomcat/webapps/javadocs/
  • These JavaDocs can be regenerated at any time by running the following (from the root source directory, [dspace-source] ):
    • mvn javadoc:aggregate

    • If you're generating javadoc of a snapshot version of DSpace, the above would fail. Use mvn install javadoc:aggregate && rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/dspace instead.
    • The "javadoc:aggregate" command generates a single set of javadocs which aggregate the APIs of all DSpace modules.  See
    • The resulting javadoc is in [dspace-source]/target/site/apidocs. Upload it to[dspace-major-version]/.
    • NOTE: We've encountered some oddities with the results when this is run from itself (the resulting CSS isn't applied).  So, it's recommended to run this command from your local machine. It worked fine on 2 machines running Java 6, Maven 2.2.1 and 3.0.3, respectively. It didn't work on demo, which was running Java 7 and Maven 2.2.1.

Starting / Stopping DSpace (and related services)

The 'dspace' user can easily start/stop PostgreSQL and Tomcat using the corresponding service scripts:

Code Block
sudo service postgresql start
sudo service tomcat7 start

sudo service tomcat7 stop
sudo service postgresql stop

Debugging Tips

Log file locations

  • DSpace: ~/dspace/log/
  • Tomcat: ~/tomcat/logs/
  • PostgreSQL: /var/lib/postgresql/9.5/main/pg_log/
  • Apache: /var/log/apache2/

Database access

Code Block
# Login to 'dspace' database as dspace (password: dspace)
psql dspace
# Login to 'dspace' database as Postgres Admin (no password needed)
psql -h localhost -U postgres dspace

Important Cron Jobs

Obviously, you can get the latest information on the existing Cron jobs by logging into the server and running:

Code Block
crontab -l

However, here's a brief overview of a few of the more important Cron jobs.

Reset DSpace Content (based on AIPs) every Saturday

EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT (currently at 23:59 UTC), all existing DSpace content is automatically REMOVED and reset to the AIPs located at ~/AIP-restore/

This is controlled by the ~/bin/reset-dspace-content script (source code in GitHub)

This is a BASH script that essentially does the following:
