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Comment: generating javadocs on demo


  • The JavaDocs pages ( are static pages served by Tomcat and are located at: ~/tomcat/webapps/javadocs/
  • These JavaDocs can be regenerated at any time by running the following (from the root source directory, [dspace-source] ):
    • mvn javadoc:aggregate

    • If you're generating javadoc of a snapshot version of DSpace, the above would fail. Use mvn install javadoc:aggregate && rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/dspace instead.
    • The "javadoc:aggregate" command generates a single set of javadocs which aggregate the APIs of all DSpace modules.  See
    • The resulting javadoc is in [dspace-source]/target/site/apidocs. Upload it to[dspace-major-version]/.
    • NOTE: We've encountered some oddities with the results when this is run from itself (the resulting CSS isn't applied).  So, it's recommended to run this command from your local machine.
      • It worked fine on 2 machines running Java 6, Maven 2.2.1 and 3.0.3, respectively. It didn't work on demo, which was running Java 7 and Maven 2.2.1.
      • Later, it worked fine on demo running Java 8u181 and Maven 3.3.9.

Starting / Stopping DSpace (and related services)
