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Comment: update dspace-tech location


The DSpace Community of developers support one another and exchange ideas and solutions on the DSpace mailing lists. Before you post a question or problem, check to see if your question has been answered already.


DSpace has a very active community of developers which contribute expertise and support through the DSpace-Tech mailing list, and the DSpace wiki. To work with the DSpace system you'll need local technical resources (hardware, technical experts, and so on) to really take advantage of the system. The DSpace web site offers technical documentation, and you can join the DSpace-Tech mailing list, to ask questions or post solutions.


For technical information see, the technical documentation and join the DSpace-Tech mailing list. For non-technical questions and concerns, see the web site and join the DSpace-Community mailing list for DSpace related announcements and general discussion.


For technical or software questions, see the TechnicalFAQ and the DSpace system documentation. You can also search the DSpace-tech archives or post a question to DSpace-tech mailing list.