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  1. Sprint Update
    1. Board
    2. Backlog
    3. WebACL
    4. Versioning
    5. Compatibility Test Suite
  2. Post Sprint Planning
    1. Who can commit to landing 5.0.0 for release
      1. Loose ends
        1. Completing the API alignment tasks
        2. Documentation 
          1. Adopters Guide
          2. FEDORA5x Review 
          3. Compatibility Test Suite
        3. Bug fixes
  3. Messaging headers: should they stay or should they go? who is using them? Camel? 

  4. Jira
    serverDuraSpace JIRA

    1. Are we comfortable with messages emitted?Shall we consider using Duraspace checkstyle rules?

  5. Checkstyle Analysis

    1. Repo
    2. There are three rules in the fedora checkstyle rules that are not in the Duraspace checkstyle rules: 
      1. requiring @author in javadoc
      2. "final" required for parameter variables
      3. "final" required for local variables
  6. Mailing list: Kevin Ford's inbound links question


  1. Please squash a bug!


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  2. Tickets resolved this week:


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  3. Tickets created this week:


    serverDuraSpace JIRA



  1. A list of things that Fedora already does, but some to consider as an addition or plugin. Some may have been considered.
  2. Signposting - a set of HTTP Headers to allow machine readable data to be added as headers.
  3. Has there been any discussion or consideration of these technologies for use before David takes it to the leaders.
  4. Its likely we will see a push for some of this type of stuff from a strategic level, there was a meeting of this group at CNI. Some members of the group said they might be able to get some funding for this.
  5. Please review the list and have some idea of whether we think it is applicable at the Fedora level or API-X level.
  6. There has been previous discussion of Linked Data Notifications which could be one option.
  7. Activity Streams Paging model might be a way to deal with the many members problem.


  1. Adopters guide is around the API transition from Fedora 4.7 to Fedora 5.0
  2. Breaking changes is around the Modeshape implementation.


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  1. Sprint Update
    1. Peter: summary of WebAC work, FCREPO-2760 unblocks many things
    2. Danny: we should create separate tickets for tests
    3. Danny: added support acl:Control to sprint scope
    4. Jira
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
      : out of scope, potential impact on authN
      1. Jared: this is also not in the spec
    5. Mohamed: working on spring config, acl:append
      1. spring config will unblock manual testing
    6. External content handling
      1. Bethany: picked up Ben's work on external content, Jared continued on multiple huge changes
      2. Bethany: should have PR soon for external content, hopefully by EOD Friday
        1. should address all 3 access types (copy, proxy, and redirect)
    7. Randall's Java questions: got some advice before call, should be unstuck now
    8. Andrew is focussed on PR review (as well as gutting the codebase)
      1. Danny can support PR review by testing
      2. no open PRs on TCK
      3. 4 open sprint PRs on fcrepo4
      4. #1341 (single document ACL) has not been reviewed, Danny and Andrew will review
    9. Andrew: goal: align with spec, probably won't all happen in this sprint
      1. update delta document to reflect current state
      2. Danny: most red x's on delta document in WebAC, and versioning
      3. Peter: review delta document at sprint wrap-up meeting?
      4. Danny: will go though question mark items, then focus on red X's
    10. Ben: binary memento tests are mostly passing with new implementation of binaries, finishing up tests for description w/o binary
      1. PR today (hopefully)
  2. Post Sprint Planning
    1. Much work done, but there is still work to bring 5.0.0 to release
      1. API alignment, bug fixes, documentation, compatibility test suite
    2. Randall: interested in getting back to compatibility test suite
    3. Peter: 5.x documentation for WebAC
      1. Andrew: a large amount of weeding that can be done on the wiki
    4. Kevin: what happened to breaking changes document?
      1. Danny: a question of focus, adopters guide could subsume the breaking changes document
      2. Kevin: breaking changes could be a list, adopter's guide can go into greater detail
      3. Danny: adopter's guide less urgent than 5.x documentation, 5.x is key
      4. Kevin: will look at adopter's guide, focus on uniform presentation
    5. Danny: contractor pausing on compatibility test suite while community looks at it?
      1. Andrew: yes, contractor is ready to go as soon as we give the okay, once WebAC and versioning drop in it would be good to give the green light
      2. contractors role to go line-by-line through spec and crank out tests
      3. Danny: how much value is there in us organizing that work?
        1. Andrew: high value in setting up a first test to give the contractors a starting point
        2. Danny: will stub out tests
        3. Randall: need a pattern to follow, so setup code and pseudocode will be very helpful
    6. Danny: will discuss plan for 5.0.0 release at sprint wrap-up meeting
  3. Messaging Headers
    1. adoption of ActivityStreams
    2. JMS headers are still be emitted
    3. Peter: Camel might use them, needs review
    4. Andrew: need to review whether the camel toolbox works with the API sprint changes
    5. Kevin: removing headers would break their routes, possibly other people's
    6. Danny: review our header schemes, find out which routes depend on what headers
    7. Jared: fcrepo-camel is setup to turn an ActivityStream message to custom (non-JMS) headers
  4. Inbound Links Question (Kevin)
    1. Kevin: issue is not critical and discussion can be delayed
      1. inbound reference list appears to get truncated
      2. feeling that it is a bug, but not sure
      3. RDF response is truncated
    2. Danny: try N-triples, see if it is serialization-dependent
    3. Andrew: please create a bug report so it doesn't get lost
    4. Kevin: will do
  5. Checkstyle Rules
    1. Andrew: plan is to have a common set that could be suppressed on a rule-by-rule basis for other projects
    2. Danny: using Fedora as the basis for these common rules


  •  Danny Bernstein Create a ticket to check whether or not the fcrepo-camel-toolbox still works with 5.0.  Part of that ticket is to evaluate whether or not there are dependencies on the jms.* headers included in the messages generated by Fedor
  •  Kevin Ford Create a ticket for InboundReferences issue.  (
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