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  1. Submission & Workflow UI / backend 
  2. Configurable Entities (from DSpace 7 Entities Working Group (2018-19))
  3. Upgrading Solr Server for DSpace (not required for Preview, as there's no user facing features. However, the earlier we feel comfortable merging this effort the better)


  • Preview Release last steps (new timeline: May 15 at latest)
    • All blue star (blue star) PRs listed above are ready to merge after one final check.  Tim Donohueis doing final review & merge. Will ask for help if there are any questions
    • Marketing Working Group has an announcement ready to promote
    • Need to touch base with Terrence W Brady around the Docker build for the Preview Release (Remember, the Docker build will give an easy to install version of Preview with test data).  Some requirements of the Docker Build include:
      • Test data to show off Entities (Atmire has test data export ready)
      • Test Collection with workflow enabled to for using Submission / Workflow UI.  (Needs to be added to test data export)
      • The Docker build should be against the "preview" branch (or a tag) of Angular UI.  This "preview" branch does not yet exist, but will have an improved theme (see PRs #7 and #8 in the above PR list on this page).  The REST API can be deployed from "master" however (or a tag).
      • Terry mentioned he may want help/support in testing out the Docker build.  Tim can help some (now using Docker) but others also welcome.
  • OR2019 Planning
    • ALL: For next week, start to think about what we must reasonably have done by OR2019.  However, realize we need to scale back as several key developers (Tim, Art, Andrea) will have less availability between now and OR2019 because they need time to prepare talks/workshopts
  • Side discussion about making the Angular UI Travis CI functionality less dependent  on our Demo DSpace REST API. As we noticed recently, if the Demo REST API is unavailable, then some Angular UI tests fail (as they need a running REST API backend to perform tests.