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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Code Block
cd /home/dspace/.m2/repository/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-site-plugin/

From [|] get 2.0-beta-6/maven-site-plugin-2.0-beta-6.jarand get maven-metadata.xmlbut rename maven-metadata.xml as maven-metadata-central.xml and choose the site-plugin version that works best.


  1. see 5.1.1. of 1.6.2 DSpace Manual for description of elements in dspace.cfg
  2. compare the default values in ./dspace.cfg with mappings defined in ../pom.xml
  3. dspace.dir = /usr/local/dspace
  4. dspace.url = set
  5. # dspace.hostname = set as `hostname --fqdn`#
  6. = Training DSpace at Library of Nineveh #
  7. = postgres
  8. # db.username = set to postgresql createdb credentials#
  9. db.password = as above#
  10. mail.server = localhost
  11. # mail.from.address = set#
  12. feedback.recipient = set
  13. # mail.admin = set#
  14. alert.recipient = set
  15. # registration.notify = set#
  16. default.locale = set
  17. # default.language = set
    Code Block
     cd /home/dspace/src/LATEST/dspace
     mvn clean package > /var/tmp/mvn_clean_package_log 2>&1
     # to view progress, at another terminal window, use
     tail /var/tmp/mvn_clean_package_log
     # at this stage, if there are warnings about missing environment variables
     # you should refer to the section on setting environment variables above
     # on completion, you should see
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time: 7 minutes 48 seconds
    [INFO] Finished at: Mon Jan 12 12:35:07 EST 2009
    [INFO] Final Memory: 23M/51M
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     # if the target directory does not exist
     # go through the mvn_clean_package_log and look for
     # any lines with the word 'missing'
     # a network resource could have been unreachable
     cd /home/dspace/src/LATEST/dspace/target/dspace-1.5.1-build.dir
     # to initialise and install the database and DSpace
     ant fresh_install
     # to create the administrator account
     cd /usr/local/dspace/bin
     ls -l create-administrator
      -rwxrw-r-- 1 dspace dspace 2121 Jan 13 15:45 create-administrator
     # you then see ...
      Creating an initial administrator account
      E-mail address: [change]
      First name: [set]
      Last name: [set]
      WARNING: Password will appear on-screen.
      Again to confirm:
      Is the above data correct? (y or n): y
      Administrator account created
    Later, after making new changes to dspace.cfg, apply its settings across applications
    by the ant init_configs or install_configs methods, described below, and you
    may need to restart services such as tomcat5 for the settings to really apply


  1. See 5.1.1. of 1.6.2. Dspace Manual
    Code Block
    ## in the build target directory, to expose the ant switches
    $ ant -p
    Buildfile: build.xml
    ====================== DSpace platform build file ======================
    Common usage:
      Fresh install, including database setup and registry loading:
        % ant fresh_install
      Update existing installation, leaving data and configuration intact:
        % ant -Dconfig=/installdir/config/dspace.cfg update
    Main targets:
     build_webapps_wars  Compress Web Applications into .war files
     clean_database      Removes DSpace database tables, destroying data
     fresh_install       Do a fresh install of the system, overwriting any data
     load_registries     Load initial contents of registries
     setup_database      Create database tables
     update              Update installed code and web applications (without clobber
    ing data/config)
     update_code         Update installed code (without clobbering data/config)
     update_webapps      Update Web Applications (without clobbering data/config)
    Default target: help
    Code Block
     when you change DS_SRC/LATEST/dspace/config/dspace.cfg
     go to DS_SRC/LATEST/dspace/target/dspace-X.Y.Z-build.dir and
     run '''ant init_configs''' for settings to apply
     when you change DS_DST/config/dspace.cfg
     run DS_DST/bin/install_configs for settings to apply
     for settings to apply across applications you may need
     to restart processes such as tomcat5

Replace the javamail.jar file

After you have installed DSpace, one RHEL-provided jar needs to be manually swapped to the one provided by DSpace. If you do not, you will see "javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException" error messages whenever you attempt to send mail from DSpace:

Code Block

cd /var/lib/tomcat5/common/lib/ && sudo rm [javamail].jar
sudo alternatives --install /usr/share/java/javamail.jar javamail /dspace/webapps/xmlui/WEB-INF/lib/mail-1.4.jar 4289
sudo alternatives --config javamail

Connect Tomcat5 and DSpace then TEST


To install the JAI components, download the Java Advanced Imaging API (jre version) and the Java Advanced Imaging - Image I/O Tools from [|].

