Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Look for this line in dspace.cfg: ##### Fields to Index for Search #####
  2. Beneath it you will see several lines like this:

    Code Block
    search.index.1 = author:dc.contributor.*
    search.index.2 = author:dc.creator.*
    search.index.3 = title:dc.title.*
    search.index.4 = keyword:dc.subject.* 
    search.index.5 = abstract:dc.description.abstract

  3. Add another search.index.# line to the bottom. If you just want to add a different Dublin Core (dc) field to one of the existing "named indices", use the models above as a guide. If you wish to specify a different metadata schema, replace dcwith the other metadata schema's name.
    • The "name" to the left of the colon (e.g. author, title, keyword, etc) is important. In the above example, a search on "author" is specified to search all Dublin Core (dc) contributor}} and {{creator fields. Whereas, a search on "abstract" only searches the dc.description.abstract field.
  4. If you want to add an entirely new search field, you will also have to modify (see Change page text (JSP) ) to add a user-friendly label for it, and the advanced-search JSP (advanced.jsp) to add an appropriate <option>element, as below:

    Code Block
    <option value="author" <%= field1.equals("author") ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "" %>><fmt:message key=""/></option>
    • The "value" attribute of your <option> element should correspond to the name of one of your search indices (e.g. author, title, keyword, etc.)
  5. Perform the steps in Re-index DSpace .
  6. Perform the steps in Rebuild DSpace .
