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If you run into issues, or need to perform the mvn release:perform from a different machine, it is possible to run it simply against the created tag in GitHub.

  1. Create a "dummy" [src]/ file in your local DSpace source directory. It should simply state the basic SCM info for the tag you wish to release, e.g.

    Code Block
    scm.tagNameFormat=dspace-@{project.version}# Location of DSpace's SCM. Keep this as-is.
    # Change this value to point at the tag in GitHub
    # For example, this example tells "release:perform" to perform a release to Sonatype based on the 'dspace-6.0-rc1' tag.
  2. Run the specified mvn release:perform command (see above).  Maven will then proceed to checkout the specified tag into your [src]/target/checkout folder, package up the release and send it off to Sonatype.
