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Comment: Update with details on 8.0

Version 8.0


At this time, version 8.0 planning has not yet begun. Below are just a list of discussion topics / features that have come up that might be considered for the 8.0 release. Additional topics / possible features also exist on our DSpace RoadMap.

Table of Contents:

Table of Contents


Priorities for 8.0

The following is an (unordered) list of changes / new features that we'd the DSpace Steering Group would like to see added to the DSpace 8.0 . If you have additional features to add, please feel free. We also NEED volunteers to make these features happen, so please do volunteer if you are willing to work on a particular change!  Please note that we reserve the right to reschedule/reject any feature that may not align well with the longer term RoadMap.release. The overarching goal is to keep the 8.0 release smaller in size (in terms of new features), and find ways to help the community more easily upgrade to 7.x or 8.x.  See also RoadMap.

Feature(s)FeatureNotes / TicketsPriorityVolunteer(s)Refactor of Submission/Workflow Backend
  • WorkspaceItem and WorkflowItem are very odd objects, and might be better off considered statuses of an Item. We may wish to discuss the higher level goals of Submission & Workflow to see whether these could be represented as stages/statuses of the Item object.
    • WorkspaceItem is not an actual Item, but captures the current status of an in progress submission. It is linked to an Item object that is currently being created by the in progress submission.
    • WorkflowItem is an old Interface that has been replaced by XMLWorkflowItem (for Configurable Workflow). An XMLWorkflowItem is also not an actual Item, but links to an Item that is currently in the workflow approval process. The workflow steps/process is associated with the Collection the Item is being submitted into, and is available from XMLWorkflowFactory.getWorkflow()
COAR Notify supportHigh4Science and Harvard University
Correction service to enhance data quality (via OpenAIRE Graph) and

(This is required to support COAR Notify, see above)

Migrate "REST-Based Quality Control Reports" Migrate DSpace REST Report Tools to new REST APITBDRefactor code to enable production deployment of DSpace Containers

The possible deployment options and potential areas to refactor are captured here: DSpace Docker and Cloud Deployment Goals

TBDMerge Entity, Authority Record, and plain-text metadata

It can be argued that we are doing the same thing three different ways.  Entities: Thinking Bigger

  • As a subpoint, the REST API endpoints for "/authorities" (used by Authorities) and "/externalsources" (used by Entities) might be merged if we find Authorities and Entities can be more closely related or merged.
TBDEnrich our RDF with Entity dataTBD

(see linked PRs)

HighUniversité Laval, Canada
Duplicate Detection in Submission (ported from DSpace-CRIS)HighThe Library Code
Any new features which empower users in the Admin User Interface

Various tickets, based on volunteers.  The exact tickets which will be completed will be based on what volunteers wish to claim for 8.0.  Any tickets on the 8.0 board which "empower admins" fall into this category.  Get in touch with Tim Donohue if you have questions or wish to volunteer for a ticket.


(Various institutions or volunteers)

Any features which existed in 6.x but missed the 7.x series of releases

Various tickets, based on volunteers.  Any community volunteer is welcome to "port" any feature that existed in the 6.x XMLUI or JSPUI 6.x to the 8.0 release. Get in touch with Tim Donohue if you have questions or wish to volunteer for a ticket.

High(Various institutions or volunteers)

Tickets & Pull Requests to review for possible inclusion

All potential tickets & pull requests may be found on our 8.0 Project Board. 

If there is a feature you wish to work on which is not on that 8.0 Project Board, please create a GitHub issue ticket to describe it (or find one if it exists) and contact Tim Donohue (via email or Slack) about possible inclusion in 8.0.

Keep in mind, even if a ticket/PR exists on the 8.0 Project Board, that does not guarantee it will be completed in time for 8.0.  We'll do our best to get it included, but all development & testing/reviewing is volunteer basedYou can help ensure a PR's inclusion by volunteering to help test or review the code! Any work that cannot be achieved in time for 8.0 will be rescheduled.

Organizational Details

Release Coordination

Release coordination is TBD for The 8.0 Release will be coordinated by Tim Donohue and the DSpace Committers.  

Updates and discussions will take place in weekly Developer Meetings.

Release Timeline

Please note that the dates below are estimates of when particular activities may occur. As there are many factors involved in a major release, these are subject to change.

DateMilestoneWhat it means
TBADeadline for feature pull requestsIf you wish to contribute features to DSpace 8.0, you must submit a pull request by this date.
Feature freezeDSpace 8.0 is considered feature-complete on this date.  Only bug fixes will be pulled between this date and final release.
Release Candidate 1 taggedA DSpace 8.0 Release Candidate will be available for wider testing.
Release Candidate 2 tagged
TestathonIntensive public testing of the 8.0 Release Candidate is invited.  The Release Team will focus on getting problems resolved.
Release Candidate 3 taggedAn updated DSpace 8.0 Release Candidate will be available for wider testing.
TBA April 2024DSpace 8.0 is publicly releasedDSpace 8.0 is released for download and general use.
