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DSpace uses Solr as a part of Discovery as index to speed up access to content metadata and data about access to DSpace (for statistics). It also provides faceting and , search results filtering and in newer versions of DSpace also hit highlighting and "More like this". If Discovery is enabled, the DSpace search field accepts Solr search syntax.
Discovery is an optional part of DSpace since 1.7 (with big improvements and configuration format changes in 1.8). When enabled, Discovery replaces DSpace Search and Browse and provides Solr-based statistics. Since DSpace 3, it is also the default storage for the DSpace OAI-PMH provider (server) responses.

titleDo I need to read this page?

To gain the benefits of faceting and filtering in XMLUI, all you need to do is enable Discovery. The rest of these page describes some advanced uses of Solr - if you want to query Solr directly for theme customization or read DSpace metadata from outside DSpace.
