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Table of Contents

General Server Setup / Info

Here's an overview of how everything is setup on the '' server:

Base Software

  • The server is currently running on DuraSpace's Amazon EC2 account with the following configurations:
    • Amazon AMI (EBS Image)
    • Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS server (64-bit)
    • Separate EBS volume mounted at /home/dspace
  • All DSpace requirements/software is installed in the 'dspace' user's home directory (/home/dspace):
    • Java: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64 (NOTE: We also have Oracle Java 7 installed at /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle but it is not used by default)
    • Ant: ~/ant (installed manually)
    • Maven: ~/maven (installed manually)
    • PostgreSQL: ~/pgsql (compiled from source)
    • Tomcat: ~/tomcat(installed manually)
      • Tomcat is configured to run on port 80 (using 'jsvc' running as root)
    • DSpace Source: ~/dspace-src
    • DSpace Install: ~/dspace

'dspace' user account

  • The 'dspace' user's ~/.profile initializes PATH/environment
  • The 'dspace' user has limited 'sudo' access on system.
  • The 'dspace' user's ~/bin/ includes various useful scripts

Server Backups

  • A server snapshot (backup) is generated nightly
    • Snapshots from the last 4 nights are kept
    • Every Sunday a weekly snapshot is generated and kept for two weeks
    • On the first of the month a monthly snapshot is generated and kept for two months

Who to Contact

Only a DuraSpace employee can do the following:

  • Install extra Ubuntu software packages on server
  • Reboot server
  • Upgrade Ubuntu to next version of Ubuntu
  • Create Snapshots of server volumes and restore server based on one of those Snapshots

Contact or Tim Donohue if you need any of these tasks performed.

Getting SSH access to

This is how you provide a DSpace Committer with command-line access to this server.

  1. Have Committer generate an SSH Key on their computer and send you their PUBLIC Key.
  2. Append their PUBLIC Key on the end of the 'dspace' user's ~/.ssh/authorized_keysfile
    • NOTE: Please add a comment regarding who's key this is, so that it makes it easier to clean up later on. For example:

      Code Block
      # Tim Donohue's SSH Key
      ssh-rsa ....
  3. They should now be able to connect as follows:

    Code Block

Updating / Upgrading DSpace installation


  • The JavaDocs pages ( are generated by Tomcat and are located at: ~/tomcat/webapps/javadocs/
  • These JavaDocs can be regenerated at any time by running the following (from the root source directory, [dspace-source]):
    • mvn javadoc:aggregate

    • The "javadoc:aggregate" command generates a single set of javadocs which aggregate the APIs of all DSpace modules.  See
    • NOTE: We've encountered some oddities with the results when this is run from itself (the resulting CSS isn't right).  So, it's recommended to run this command from your local machine.

General Server Setup

Here's an overview of how everything is setup on the '' server:

Base Software

  • The server is currently running on DuraSpace's Amazon EC2 account with the following configurations:
    • Amazon AMI (EBS Image)
    • Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS server (64-bit)
    • Separate EBS volume mounted at /home/dspace
  • All DSpace requirements/software is installed in the 'dspace' user's home directory (/home/dspace):
    • Java: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64 (NOTE: We also have Oracle Java 7 installed at /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle but it is not used by default)
    • Ant: ~/ant (installed manually)
    • Maven: ~/maven (installed manually)
    • PostgreSQL: ~/pgsql (compiled from source)
    • Tomcat: ~/tomcat(installed manually)
      • Tomcat is configured to run on port 80 (using 'jsvc' running as root)
    • DSpace Source: ~/dspace-src
    • DSpace Install: ~/dspace


'dspace' user account

  • The 'dspace' user's ~/.profile initializes PATH/environment
  • The 'dspace' user has limited 'sudo' access on system.
  • The 'dspace' user's ~/bin/ includes various useful scripts

Server Backups

  • A server snapshot (backup) is generated nightly
    • Snapshots from the last 4 nights are kept
    • Every Sunday a weekly snapshot is generated and kept for two weeks
    • On the first of the month a monthly snapshot is generated and kept for two months

Who to Contact

Only a DuraSpace employee can do the following:

  • Install extra Ubuntu software packages on server
  • Reboot server
  • Upgrade Ubuntu to next version of Ubuntu
  • Create Snapshots of server volumes and restore server based on one of those Snapshots

Contact or Tim Donohue if you need any of these tasks performed.

Getting SSH access to

This is how you provide a DSpace Committer with command-line access to this server.


  • NOTE: Please add a comment regarding who's key this is, so that it makes it easier to clean up later on. For example:

    Code Block
    # Tim Donohue's SSH Key
    ssh-rsa ....

They should now be able to connect as follows:


Starting / Stopping DSpace (and related services)
