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Another thing to note is that there are Query Parameters that you can tack on to the end of an endpoint to do extra things. The most commonly used one in this API is "?expand". Instead of every API call defaulting to giving you every possible piece of information about it, it only gives a most commonly used set by default and gives the more "expensive" information when you deliberately request it. Each endpoint will provide a list of available expands in the output, but for getting started, you can start with ?expand=all, to make the endpoint provide all of its information (parent objects, metadata, child objects). You can include multiple expands, such as: ?expand=collections,subCommunities .


DSpace 6.x supports pagination by allowing two query parameters: limit and offset. Note however that the aggregate results number is not supplied (see DS-3887)Two other query parameters of note are limit and offset. Endpoints which return arrays of objects, such as /communities, /collections or /items, are "paginated":  the full list is broken into "pages" which start at offset from the beginning of the list and contain at most limit elements.  By repeated queries you can retrieve any portion of the array or all of it.  The default value of offset  is 0 and the default value of limit is 100.  So, as an example, to retrieve the sixth through tenth elements of the full list of Collections, you could do this:
