Versions Compared


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  1. The triples are shown in N-triples format and should be stored in a file with the file type ".nt"  Elements of the triples are either URI (in brackets) or strings (in double quotes with a language tag). Each triple ends with a period.
  2. Each triple is of the form subject predicate object.  The subject is always a URI (in brackets) and is a URI you specify in your table of data.
  3. The predicates are from the ontologies VIVO uses to represent data.  They are also always URI (in brackets).  There are three kinds of assertions being made.  Each has its own predicate:
    1. The predicate to assert a type is  <>
    2. The predicate to assert a name, known as a label, is <>
    3. The predicate to assert that the organization is part of another organization is <>

Managing the Triples in VIVO

Now that we have triples representing our organizations and their organization hierarchy, its easy to load them into VIVO and update them as necessary.  We will load the triples into a "named graph."  This is just a collection of triples with a name.  We will use a named graph to make it easy to update – we'll just empty the named graph and reload it.  That way we can be sure that the data in the file of triples is the data in the named graph.

Add the triples to VIVO

  1. Sign on the VIVO as system administration.
  2. Navigate to Site Admin > Advanced Data Tools > Ingest Tools > Manage Jena Models
  3. At the top, click on the button "Create Model"
  4. Enter the name of your model.  Your name must be valid as part of a URI (no spaces).  Your might call your model "organizations"
  5. Vitro creates a model with your name.  Find it in the list of models.  You should see:
  6. Click "Load RDF data"
  7. Click Choose file and select your file of triples
  8. Click on the selector to indicate that your file is in "N-triples" format
  9. Click Load Data
  10. Navigate to Site Admin > Recompute Inferences to update VIVO's assertions about your triples.  This will add the inverse assertion (has Part) for each "part Of" assertion.  Additional assertions will be added that each organization is a foaf:Organzation.
  11. Navigate to Site Admin > Rebuild Search Index to update the VIVO search indices.

You're done!  You have your organizations and your organizational hierarchy data in VIVO.  You can navigate to one of your organizations and see the hierarchical information:

Updating your triples in VIVO

When you have organizational data to update – a new organization has been added, an organizational change has been made, an organization has a new name, you discovered an error in your data, or for any other reason, update the file with your triples and follow the steps below to replace your organizational data in VIVO with the organizational data in your file.

  1. Sign on the VIVO as system administration.
  2. Navigate to Site Admin > Advanced Data Tools > Ingest Tools > Manage Jena Models
  3. Find your organization named graph it in the list of models.
  4. Carefully click "clear statements" for your organization named graph.  Be careful not to clear the statements of any other models.
  5. Click "Load RDF data"
  6. Click Choose file and select your file of triples
  7. Click on the selector to indicate that your file is in "N-triples" format
  8. Click Load Data
  9. Navigate to Site Admin > Recompute Inferences to update VIVO's assertions about your triples.  This will add the inverse assertion (has Part) for each "part Of" assertion.  Additional assertions will be added that each organization is a foaf:Organzation.
  10. Navigate to Site Admin > Rebuild Search Index to update the VIVO search indices.

Some Closing Observations

The basic technique for data management described here – creating triples, loading them into a named graph, and updating the graph when data changes – can be used to manage all your VIVO data.  You can put people in one graph, publications in another, grants in another, datasets in another, and manage each by creating triples and updating graphs.  You may wish to create repeatable processes for each of the kinds of data you are managing.  These processes should be based on tools of your choice – Karma, XSLT, or scripts you write.

The Ontology Reference provides details regarding how VIVO represents entities.  Practice will lead to familiarity and the VIVO community is always happy to help with any questions you may have.