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DSpace contains workflow systems to review submissions as described in detail as part of the architecture of the business logic layer. There is the original workflow systems and a configurable one. The file [dspace]/config/modules/workflow.cfg contains porperties to properties to configure details of the workflow systems.


Both workflow systems send notifications on new Items waiting to be reviewed to all EPersons that may resolve those. Tasks can be taken to avoid that two EPersons work on the same task at the same time without knowing from each other. When a EPerson returns a task to the pool without resolving it (by accepting or rejecting the submission), another E-Mail is sendsent. In case you only want to be notified of completely new tasks entering a step of the workflow system, you may switch off notifications on tasks returned to the pool by setting workflow.notify.returend.tasks to false in config/modules/workflow.cfg as shown below:


By default notifications are send sent for tasks returned to the pool. This configuration works for the original workflow system as well as for the configurable xml workflow system.
