Versions Compared


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Comment: Initial docs on local.cfg


  • General Configuration - addresses general conventions used with configuring not only the dspacelocal.cfg file, but dspace.cfg and other configuration files which use similar conventions.
  • buildproperties File - specifies the basic file settings (these basic settings are used when building/installing/upgrading DSpace)
  • The dspace.cfg Configuration Properties File - specifies the basic dspace.cfg file settings (these settings are used when DSpace is actually runningspecify the default configuration for DSpace)
  • Optional or Advanced Configuration Settings - contain other more advanced settings that are optional in the dspace.cfg configuration file.


    Much of the DSpace configuration has been moved to discrete configuration files related to specific functionality and is documented in subsequent sections of this document.

The full table of contents follows:


As most of these configurations are detailed in other areas of the DSpace documentation (see links above), this section concentrates primarily on the "*.cfg" configuration files (namely dspace.cfg and local.cfg).


Configuration File Syntax

We will use the dspace.cfg as our example for input conventions used throughout the system. These same input conventions apply to all DSpace *.cfg files.


This ability to include other files is also possible with the local.cfg file, should you want to subdivide your localized settings into several locally specific configuration files.

Update Reminder


Why are there multiple copies of some config files?

It is important to remember that there are * multiple dspace.cfg multiple copies of each configuration files in serveral places after an installation of DSpace. * The only two you should notice The primary ones to be aware of are:

  1. The "source" file that is found configuration file(s) are found under in [dspace-source]/dspace/config/ or subdirectories.  This also includes the [dspace-source]/local.cfg
  2. The "runtime" configuration file(s) that is are found in [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg



DSpace server (webapp) and command line programs only look at the runtime configuration file



When you are revising/changing your configuration values, it


may be tempting to only edit the runtime file. DO NOT do this.


Whenever you rebuild DSpace, it will "reset" your runtime configuration to whatever is in your source directories (the previous runtime configuration is copied to a date suffixed file, should you ever need to restore it).

Instead, we recommend to always make the same changes to the source version of


the configuration file in addition to the runtime file.


In other words, the source and runtime files should always be identical


/ kept in sync.

One way to To keep the two files in synchronization , you can is to edit your files in [dspace-source]/dspace/config/ and then you would run the following commands to rebuild DSpace and install the updated configs:

Code Block
cd [dspace-source]/dspace/
mvn package
cd [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-installer 
ant update_configs

This will copy the source dspace.cfg (along with other configuration files ) into the runtime ([dspace]/config) directory.  Another option to manually sync the files by copying them to each directory.

Please note that there are in fact two options available, choose whichever you prefer :-additional "ant" commands to help with configuration management:

  • "ant update_configs" ==> Moves existing configs in [dspace]/config/ to *.old files and replaces them with what is in [dspace-source]/dspace/config/


titleMany configurations have changed names between DSpace 5 (and below) and DSpace 6

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of DSpace, you will need to be aware that many configuration names/keys have changed. Because Apache Commons Configuration allows for auto-overriding of configurations, all configuration names/keys in different *.cfg files MUST be uniquely named (otherwise accidental, unintended overriding may occur).

In order to compensate for this, all modules/*.cfg files had their configurations renamed to be prepended with the module name.  As a basic example, all the configuration settings within the modules/oai.cfg configuration now start with "oai.".

Additionally, while the local.cfg may look similar to the old, many of its configurations have slightly different names. So, simply copying your into a local.cfg will NOT work.

This means that DSpace 5.x (or below) configurations are NOT guarranteed compatible with DSpace 6 .  While you obviously can use your old configurations as a reference, you will need to start with fresh copy of all configuration files, and reapply any necessary configuration changes (this has always been the recommended procedure). However, as you'll see below, you'll likely want to do that anyways in order to take full advantage of the new local.cfg file.


As of DSpace 3.0, we now provide a 6, it is now possible to easily override default DSpace configurations (from dspace.cfg or modules/*.cfg files) in your own local.cfg configuration file.

A example [dspace-source]/ as an easy means of configuration a subset of properties before you build DSpace (by running "mvn package" or similar).  Any properties set in this file will be automatically copied over to your final dspace.cfg file as part of the Maven build process.

Users/Developers may also choose to copy the under a different name for different environments (e.g. development, test & production), and choose which environment to build DSpace for by passing a "-Denv" (environment) flag to the Maven build process (e.g. "mvn package -Denv=test" would build DSpace using a custom "" file).

Here's a basic example of how (or any *.properties) file may be used to simplify installation & development:

  1. A developer or user downloads a copy of DSpace to build & install
  2. He/She can edit the [dspace-source]/ to specify the very basic settings for building & installing DSpace
    1. OR, alternatively he/she can copy/rename the "" to a different "*.properties" file & edit it.  For example, you could choose  to create a separate properties file for each environment (,,
  3. He/She can then build the DSpace Installation Package using the *.properties file they choose
    1. Running simply "mvn package" will always use the default "" settings.
    2. Passing in the "-Denv" (environment) flag, will cause the build process to use a custom properties file.  Some examples:
      1. "mvn package -Denv=test" would build DSpace using a custom file named [dspace-source]/
      2. "mvn package -Denv=local" would build DSpace using a custom file named [dspace-source]/
      3. "mvn package -Denv=john" would build DSpace using a custom file named [dspace-source]/
  4. No matter which build options are used, the values in the enabled properties file will be automatically copied over to your [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-[version]-build/dspace.cfg file in the DSpace Installation Package. That way they can be installed using the appropriate Apache Ant command (see Installing DSpace for all the details of the full install.)


Note file is only used with building/compiling DSpace

It is worth noting that the [dspace-source]/ file (or custom properties file) is ONLY used in the act of building/installing/upgrading DSpace. During that build/install/upgrade process, any setting currently available in the will be inherited (copied) to the dspace.cfg file. However, if you need to add new settings to your file, you will need to modify your dspace.cfg file in order for it to be inherited (see the note below titled "You may add new settings to your or custom *.properties").

Once DSpace is installed, the system only uses the settings in your [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg file.  So, the file will not be copied into your installation directory, and all runtime configurations are pulled from the final dspace.cfg file.
titleDo not remove or comment out settings in

When you edit the "" file (or a custom *.properties file), take care not to remove or comment out any settings.  Doing so, may cause your final "dspace.cfg" file to be misconfigured with regards to that particular setting.  Instead, if you wish to remove/disable a particular setting, just clear out its value.  For example, if you don't want to be notified of new user registrations, ensure the "mail.registration.notify" setting has no value, e.g.


As another example, if you are running the DSpace UI of your choice (XMLUI or JSPUI) directly under tomcat's root, leave "dspace.ui" empty but do not delete the setting, e.g.


titleYou may add new settings to your or custom *.properties

Based on your institution's needs, you may wish to add settings to your own (or custom *.properties) file. This is actually a relatively easy process.

Any existing DSpace configuration (any config in dspace.cfg or in any configuration file under [dspace-src]/dspace/config/modules/*.cfg) can be "moved" into your local file via the following process:

  1. First, copy the existing configuration from the *.cfg file into your local file.  You can actually choose to rename this configuration in, if it makes more sense. Essentially, the name of the new configuration in is entirely up to you.
    1. For example, if you want to copy the LDAP "provider_url" from [dspace-src]/dspace/config/modules/authentication-ldap.cfg to your, you may wish to rename it to "ldap.provider_url" within
    2. You can also choose to keep the name of the configuration the same in For example, if you wish to move the "" (from dspace.cfg) to your, you could keep the name the same.
  2. Second, you will need to modify the corresponding configuration file (the config file you copied the setting from) so that it now references your newly added setting. This is achieved by using the "${}" placeholder.
    1. For example, to reference a new "ldap.provider_url" setting in (mentioned in 1.a above) , just modify the [dspace-src]/dspace/config/modules/authentication-ldap.cfg file to have a line that says provider_url=${ldap.provider_url} (The first part is the name of the actual config in authentication-ldap.cfg, and the second part is the name of the config in
    2. Another example: To reference a new "" setting in (mentioned in 1.b above), just modify the [dspace-src]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg file to have a line that says${}  (The first part is the name of the actual config in dspace.cfg, and the second part is the name of the config in
  3. Finally, rebuild DSpace (using Maven), and redeploy (using Ant).  The new settings in your file will automatically be copied into your configuration file during the rebuild process.


local.cfg.EXAMPLE is provided wtih DSpace. The example only provides a few key configurations which most DSpace sites are likely to need to customize. However, you may add (or remove) any other configuration to your local.cfg to customize it as you see fit.

To get started, simply create your own [dspace-source]/local.cfg based on the example, e.g.

Code Block
cd [dspace-source]
cp local.cfg.EXAMPLE local.cfg

You can then begin to edit your local.cfg with your local settings for DSpace. There are a few key things to note about the local.cfg file:

  • Override any default configurations: Any setting in your local.cfg will automatically OVERRIDE a setting of the same name in the dspace.cfg or any modules/*.cfg file.  This also means that you can copy ANY configuration (from dspace.cfg or any modules/*.cfg file) into your local.cfg to specify a new value.
    • For example, specifying dspace.url in local.cfg will override the default value of dspace.url in dspace.cfg.
    • Also, specifying oai.solr.url in local.cfg will override the default value of oai.solr.url in config/modules/oai.cfg
  • Configuration Syntax:The local.cfg file uses the Apache Commons Configuration Property file syntax (like all *.cfg files) . For more information see the section on Configuration File Syntax above.
    • This means the local.cfg also supports enhanced features like the ability to include other config files (via "include=" statements).
  • Override local.cfg via System Properties: As needed, you also are able to OVERRIDE settings in your local.cfg by specifying them as System Properties or Environment Variables.
    • For example, if you wanted to change your dspace.dir in development/staging environment, you could specify it as a System Property (e.g. -Ddspace.dir=[new-location]). This new value will override any value in both local.cfg and dspace.cfg.

When you build DSpace (e.g. mvn package), this local.cfg file will be automatically copied to [dspace]/config/local.cfg.  Similar to the dspace.cfg, the "runtime" configuration (used by DSpace) is the one in [dspace]/config/local.cfg. See the Why are there multiple copies of some config files? question above for more details on the runtime vs source configuration.

Here's a very basic example of settings you could place into your local.cfg file (with inline comments):

Code Block
# This is a simple example local.cfg file which shows off options
# for creating your own local.cfg

# This overrides the default value of "dspace.dir" in dspace.cfg
dspace.dir = C:/dspace/

# This overrides the default value of "dspace.baseUrl" in dspace.cfg
dspace.baseUrl =

# The overrides the default "dspace.url" setting it to the same value as my "baseUrl" above
dspace.url = ${dspace.baseUrl}

# If our database settings are the same as the default ones in dspace.cfg, 
# then, we may be able to simply customize the db.username and db.password
db.username = myuser
db.password = mypassword

# For DSpace, we want the LDAP and Password authentication plugins enabled
# This overrides the default AuthenticationMethod in /config/modules/authentication.cfg
# Since we specified the same key twice, these two values are appended (see Configuration File Syntax above) = org.dspace.authenticate.LDAPAuthentication = org.dspace.authenticate.PasswordAuthentication

# For the example, we'll override the default oai.url in /config/modules/oai.cfg
oai.url = ${dspace.baseUrl}/oaipmh

# We'll also override the default oai.solr.url in /config/modules/oai.cfg
# Notice here we're referencing a configuration (solr.server) that only exists in dspace.cfg
# This is allowed. Your local.cfg can reference configs from other *.cfg files.

# Finally, this local.cfg also supports adding "include=" statements, to include
# additional local configuration files.
# In this example, a local-rest.cfg and local-curate.cfg (in the same directory)
# will automatically be included as part of this local.cfg.
# This allows you to subdivide you local configs in as many (or few) config files
# as you desire.
include = local-rest.cfg
include = local-curate.cfg

The dspace.cfg Configuration Properties File

The dspace.cfg contains basic information about a DSpace installation, including system path information, network host information, and other like items.  It is the primary default configuration file for DSpace, used by DSpace when it is actively running.  However, as noted above, any of these default configurations may be overridden in your own local.cfg configuraiton file.

In ordinary use, this file is assumed to be [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg.  If you define a system property -Ddspace.configuration=/some/path/to/a/file then that file will be used instead.
