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  1. Download and install VirtualBox
  2. Download and install Vagrant
  3. Download and unzip the Curation Concerns VM
  4. Using a Command Line Interface, navigate to the VM directory from step 3 and run the command: vagrant up
    1. Note that this step will take a while as the VM downloads and installs a full virtual environment
  5. After the VM build finishes, log into the machine using SSH
    1. If you are using OSX, you can simply run the command ‘vagrant ssh’ in the VM directory
    2. If you are using Windows, you will need to install PuTTY [2] and run the command 'ssh -p 2222 vagrant@localhost’ in the PuTTY terminalhave a couple of options:
      1. Cygwin,
        1. From the Cygwin home page, download and save the setup.exe file to your desktop.

        2. Run the setup.exe file.

        3. Select the default for the following options: 

          • Install from Internet

          • Install Root Directory: (e.g. c:\cygwin64)
          • Install for All Users
          • Default folder for packages
          • Connection Method (internet)
        4. Select the mirror site

        5. Select the openssh package for installation.
          1. Search for openssh.
          2. To select it to be installed, you un-skip it by clicking the x in the skip box
          3. click next, it prompts you to install any dependencies, click next
        6. Click Finish
        7. After installation, you can use Cygwin's terminal interface (mintty), navigate to the VM directory (the c: drive is now /cygdrive/c/) and type 'vagrant ssh'
        8. (Optional) If you want to use the windows command line, you need to add "c:\cygwin64\bin" to your path.
      2.  Download PuTTY [2]
        1. Set the hostname to vagrant@localhost
        2. Set the port to 2222
        3. (Optional) in saved sessions, type a name (CCDemo) and click save
        4. Click Open
        5. You will be prompted for a password, the password is vagrant
          • Note: Vagrant prefers private key authentication, but the key appeared incompatible with PUTTY when I tried it during the demo (KH)
  6. Once connected to the VM, run the command: cd curation-concerns-demo; rails s -b
  7. Test the VM by opening your web browser and navigating to: http://localhost:3000
    1. You can create a user account by clicking the plus button in the upper right
  8. Turn off the VM by running the command: vagrant halt
    1. If you are still logged in to the VM you can log out by typing ‘exit’ before halting the machine
