Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

These RDF files were produced during the LD4L project. They are all available on the server for


Table of Contents

RDF Files

available for download as described below.

Table of Contents

Converter output

The MARC records from each library were converted to BIBFRAME 1.0 RDF by the the Library of Congress mar2bibframe converter . LD4L's bib2lod converter was  was then used to produce RDF in the LD4L data model. The result is RDF in the the N-Triples format format. These dumps are available:


These data files are available:


These files are available:

Linked data blobs

The linked data at is served by a Sinatra application, reading from a MySQL database. The database looks like this:

Code Block
mysql> use ld4l;
Database changed

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_ld4l |
| lod            |

mysql> describe lod;
| Field | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| uri   | varchar(200) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| rdf   | mediumblob   | NO   |     | NULL    |       |


'uri' corresponds to the uri of the requested linked data:

Code Block
mysql> select uri from lod where uri like 'http%' limit 5;
| uri                                                                 |
|                                              |
|                                       |
| |
| |
| |


'rdf' is the data that will be served, in Turtle format, zipped. As such, it is not readable until unzipped:

Code Block
mysql> select substring(rdf, 1, 70) from lod where uri = "";
| substring(rdf, 1, 70)                                                  |
?N$!ϥsM?G?? |

These dumps are available:

Solr index capture


The project developed an experimental search service based on the converted data above. The application code is available from github ( and is built on The application at is built on Blacklight. Blacklight is a Rails app that includes a Solr search engine .


The and the structure of the search index is determined both by by the Solr schema and  and the Blacklight catalog controller script

These dumps are available:

Triple-store captures

The triple-stores used were instances of Virtuoso OpenSource 7 (taken from the develop branch). More specifically, the Virtuoso instances were built from this source:

Code Block
$ git remote -v
origin	git:// (fetch)
origin	git:// (push)

$ git status
On branch develop/7
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/develop/7'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean

$ git log -1
commit ea51ed3b81a43250ed2e3cfa77ee6e0116388b4b
Merge: 74a23e7 8ee2cfe
Author: VOS Maintainer 
Date:   Mon Mar 7 13:44:06 2016 +0100
    Merge branch 'develop/6' into develop/7



These dumps capture the data directories of the three triple-stores:
