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titleOptional ElasticSearch Usage Statistics feature has its own Java requirements

If you plan to use the (optional) Elasticsearch Usage Statistics feature in DSpace, the ElasticSearch backend provides its own recommendations regarding Java version.

"Elasticsearch is built using Java, and requires at least Java 7 in order to run. Only Oracle’s Java and the OpenJDK are supported. We recommend installing the Java 8 update 20 or later , or Java 7 update 55 or later . Previous versions of Java 7 are known to have bugs that can cause index corruption and data loss."

(However, if you plan to use the Solr-based Usage Statistics that are enabled by default within DSpace, you can ignore these additional requirements.)

Apache Maven 3.0.5 or above (3.3.9+)* (Java build tool)

Maven is necessary in the first stage of the build process to assemble the installation package for your DSpace instance. It gives you the flexibility to customize DSpace using the existing Maven projects found in the [dspace-source]/dspace/modules directory or by adding in your own Maven project to build the installation package for DSpace, and apply any custom interface "overlay" changes.


If you will be building the Mirage 2 theme, you will need Maven 3.3.9 or above.

Maven can be downloaded from the following location:


  1. Download the CNRI Handle Software: In the tarball you'll find an INSTALL.txt with installation instructions -- follow it.
  2. Create the following two files in /hs/srv_1.


    log4j.rootCategory=INFO, A1
    log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %-5p %c @ %m%n


    Change the path in the third line, if necessary.



    dspace.handle.endpoint1 =


    If you are using XMLUI take a look in [dspace-install]/config/dspace.cfg, change the URL above to the value of your dspace.url and add /handleresolver to the end of it. If you are using JSPUI take a look in [dspace-install]/config/dspace.cfg, change the URL above to the value of your dspace.url and add /json/hdlresolver to the end of it. If you run more than one DSpace Installation, you may add more DSpace Endpoints.  Just increase the number at the end of the key for each:  endpoint2, endpoint3....

  3. Edit the file /hs/srv_1/config.dct to include the following lines in the "server_config" clause:


    "storage_type" = "CUSTOM"
    "storage_class" = "org.dspace.handle.MultiRemoteDSpaceRepositoryHandlePlugin"

  4. Copy /hs/hsj-7.3.1/bin/hdl-server to /hs/srv_1/start-hdl-server.
  5. Edit /hs/srv_1/start-hdl-server:
    1. Find the last line that begins with HDLHOME=
    2. Below that line add the following one: HDLHOME="/hs/hsj-7.3.1/"
    3. Find a line that contains exec java ... net.handle.server.Main ...
    4. Add "-Dlog4j.configuration=file:///hs/srv_1/ -Ddspace.handle.plugin.configuration=/hs/srv_1/handle-dspace-plugin.cfg" right in front of net.handle.server.Main.
  6. If your handle server is running, stop it.
  7. From now on you should start this handle server using /hs/srv_1/start-hdl-server
