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  1. Review of agenda items and processes. (5 mins)
  2. Introducing two new members: Jordi Cuní representing SIGMA for Anna Guillaumet and Frederico Ferrario from Cineca. (5 mins)
    1. Also: Carmen from SIGMA
    2. Federico can't make it.
  3. Refining Steering and Leadership Group processes (40 mins) More information here.
    • How the groups work together
      • Mike: Steering group should help leadership group succeed. They are the facilitators.
      • Rob: in Fedora, it's somewhat inverted. What you choose to call it in each community is up to you. As long as the community feels good about the process.
    • How agendas and materials are created
      • Every member of the leadership group can propose agenda items.
    • How we'll make decisions (vote) and for which items (proposals)
      • Fedora will propose items. Members can nominate things. Group members +1 or -1. Someone can potentially also veto a matter although this is used rarely and suggests the need for further discussion.
      • Andrew: I suggest a timeframe be associated with a vote.
      • Consensus: we need a majority for something to pass, with no vetoes, and there should be a timeline for the vote.
    • The Leadership and Steering Group chair(s)
      • Proposal: same person serves as chair of both Steering and Leadership.
      • Jordi: I think it's better to change Leadership once a year, but I don't have any experience.
      • Julia: I'm agnostic.
      • Dean: I think there should be a norm if not a rule.
      • Ann: I like the idea of a one year term but I don't feel super strong.
      • Eric: I like one year terms. At least bring it up.
      • Rob: I don't have an opinion either way.
      • Erin: I like the idea of distributing the number of champions in the community.
      • Dean: I think it might be a good idea to nominate a new Steering Chair at the upcoming VIVO community.
      • Terrie: it's important to have an apprenticeship/mentorship period, some times for up to a year.
      • DJ: I like the idea of a one year term.
      • Alex: maybe the idea of a vice chair would be appropriate not necessarily this year but the next.
      • Andi: I feel strongly about term limits.
      • Lauren: I'm afraid to volunteer because I sometimes don't know how things work. Mentorship would alleviate some of the problems.
      • Dean: I've been involved with another project that does the chair and vice chair model.
      • Mike: we will organize a vote on these precepts by email, because some people aren't here.
  4. Volunteers needed for the VIVO membership task force/committee (5 mins)
  5. Additional LG items to discuss the June 6 LG meeting at the conference, 2:00 - 5:00 in the JB Duke Board Room (5 mins)
    • LG terms
    • Election of SG