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Fedora Repository 3 Documentation
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I inadvertently chose SSL for API-M access when I installed Fedora, and now I want plain HTTP access to API-M functions without reinstalling Fedora.  How can I reconfigure Fedora to allow non-SSL access to API-M?


In the installed webapp, the WEB-INF/web.xml file has a <security-constraint> block with a description of APIM. There's a <user-data-constraint> block with a transport-guarantee value of CONFIDENTIAL. If you comment out or remove that <user-data-constraint> block, Tomcat won't require SSL for those resources (API-M).


  1. Edit the WEB-INF/web.xml under the fedora webapp directory in your webapp server (Tomcat, in most cases). Comment out the relevant <user-data-constraint> block:
        <web-resource-name>Fedora Repository Server</web-resource-name>
        <description>Fedora-generated security-constraint</description>
      <!-- Commented out to disable SSL-only access to API-M functions -->
      <!-- <user-data-constraint> -->
      <!--   <transport-guarantee>CONFIDENTIAL</transport-guarantee> -->
      <!-- </user-data-constraint> -->
  2. Restart the Fedora web application.

Note that if you only change the web.xml file under fedora/webapps, your change will be lost the next time fedora.war is redployed. To persist your changes across deployments, unpack the fedora.war file, edit the WEB-INF/web.xml file as described above, repack the WAR and drop it back in place in your webapps directory.

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